Stage of Pipeline in Group - student’s stage in the system which reflects the actual stage of a student in a group.

Note: You can find more information about the Stages of Pipeline in the following article: Stages of Pipeline: What are the stages of pipeline? How many types of the stages of pipeline are there?

The automatic changes of the student’s stages during the study are described below.


The start date of the group has already occurred, however, the student enrollment process is not completed (there is no Enrollment Agreement for the student) - the stage automatically changes from ENROLLING to REGISTERED if the following conditions are met:

  • The Core/Prereq Start Date had passed + N days.
  • The student has no populated EA and the EA draft is missing or edited more than M days ago, and the Enrollment Agreement is mandatory for this program.
  • The student had no DROPPED Transferred or LOA Transferred stages in this group.
Note: The EA requirement for the program is set using the Enrollment Agreement is Required setting.
N - is the value of the Number of Business Days Before Automatically Change Stage of Pipeline in Group from ENROLLING to REGISTERED setting from the School Settings.
M - is the value of the Number of Business Days to Change Stage from Enrolling to Registered if EA won't be Populated setting from the School Settings.


The stage in the student group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED according to the Approve ENROLLED Student Stage of Pipeline in Group After setting value in the Academy Settings:

  • Enrollment Agreement is Populated — the stage in the group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED after the Enrollment Agreement for the student is populated.
  • Enrollment Agreement is Signed Using E-Sign — the stage in the group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED after the e-sign package with the Enrollment Agreement is signed by the student and school representatives. 
  • Signed Enrollment Agreement is Uploaded to the Student Folder stage in the group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED after the Enrollment Agreement is signed by the student and school representatives, and uploaded to the Student Folder.
Note: The Approve ENROLLED Student Stage of Pipeline in Group After setting allows choosing multiple values so the stage in the student group will change to ENROLLED depending on which of the selected events occur first. You can find more information about this setting in the following article: Enrollment: Added ENROLLED Status Change after Enrollment Agreement is signed using E-Sign or Uploaded to Student Folder.
If a student is set to the ENROLLED status and matches any of the rules above, the student’s status will not be reverted to ENROLLING/ENROLLED when a new Enrollment Agreement draft is created. You can find more information in the following article: Stages of Pipeline: Disabled Reverting the Stage of Pipeline to ENROLLING After Creating Drafts for Signed Enrollment Agreements.

Stage Change: ENROLLED, ACTIVE Pending, ACTIVE, and ENROLLED Late Start

Before the Start Date has occurred: the stage depends on the start date in the group (Core/Prereq Start Date) and the expected student start date (Official Student Start Date).

  • The student’s stage will remain ENROLLED, if the group’s Core/Prereq Start Date has not yet occurred.
  • The student’s stage will become ENROLLED Late Start, if the Official Student Start Date is later than the group’s start date and has not occurred yet.
  • The student’s stage will become ACTIVE Pending if the Official Student Start Date has occurred.
  • If the student also had attendance added (P/PM/L), the student’s status will change to ACTIVE independently of the Official Student Start Date.


After the Start Date has occurred: the stage depends on the student’s attendance:


  • The student’s stage will be ACTIVE - if the final attendance* is Present.
  • The student’s stage will be NOT STARTED - if final attendance is Absent.
  • The student’s stage will be ENROLLED / ACTIVE Pending - if final attendance is No Data.

* The final attendance is calculated using the first 3 student’s classes:

  • If the student has attended at least one class (and got P, PM, or L) the final attendance is Present.
  • If the student was absent from all the selected classes the final attendance is Absent.
  • If the attendance is not entered the final attendance is No Data.

Stage Change: NOT STARTED ↔ ENROLLING/ENROLLED in the canceled groups

If a group is canceled, all the students in that group with the ENROLLING/ENROLLED stage will be switched to the NOT STARTED stage with the "Group Canceled" Reason. And vice versa, when a group status is changed from canceled to another status, all the students in that group will be switched back from NOT STARTED to ENROLLING/ENROLLED.

If a group becomes Canceled and students in the ENROLLED / ENROLLED Late Start statuses remain in it, they will be automatically switched to the NOT STARTED status.

Stage Change: ACTIVE → LOA

If a student with the ACTIVE stage requested LOA for future and was approved, the student’s ACTIVE stage will remain until the Last Date of Attendance. And after that date, the stage will be automatically switched to LOA.

Stage Change: ACTIVE → LOA Pending for credit granted students

If a credit granted student is in the ACTIVE stage and has not been attending the scheduled classes in the group for N days, the student is automatically switched to LOA Pending.

Note: N - is the value of the Number of Days After Last Attendance For Switch To Stage of Pipeline in Group to LOA Pending setting from the School Settings.

Stage Change: LOA → LOA Dropped 

If a student is on LOA but had not returned by the set date, the student will be automatically switched to the LOA Dropped stage if the following conditions are met:

  • N days passed since the Expected Return Date.
    Note: N - is the Number of Days from ERD to LOA Dropped setting from the School Settings.
  • The previous student stage is not LOA Dropped. If a user had manually switched the stage from LOA Dropped back to LOA the stage will not be switched automatically anymore.

Stage Change: ACTIVE → COMPLETED / DROPPED Pending

Once the completion date has occurred the student’s Stage in Group will be automatically switched to COMPLETED or DROPPED Pending depending on individual student’s records. The stage will automatically change to COMPLETED if the following conditions are met:

  • The student has Is Final Grade in all courses of the current group.
  • The student has the final grade not lower than the minimum grade (Grading Letter for Completed program setting).
  • The student has Passed HESI item in the checklist.
    Note: If the student’s checklist is not set up or has no HESI items this condition is ignored.
Note: Is Final Grade and the minimum grade are not checked for courses with the May Be Incomplete setting enabled. See the article:How to Configure Courses?

If at least one of the conditions is not met the stage automatically switches to DROPPED Pending.

But if the student hadn't passed HESI (no Passed HESI item) but has the attempts remaining the stage remains ACTIVE.

Note: If the status is automatically changed from ACTIVE to COMPLETED/DROPPED Pending, and then the status is reverted back to ACTIVE, the status will not be automatically changed to COMPLETED/DROPPED Pending again.


If a program has been successfully completed the stage automatically changes from COMPLETED to GRADUATED.

This requires all the student’s final checklist items to have "Done" Status.

Note: The final items are checked according to the Change Stage in Group to GRADUATED after Done setting at the Admin Checklist Template page.

Stage Change in the Core Group Depending on the Stage of the Linked Prereq Group

If the core and the prereq groups of the student are linked stage change in the prereq group will affect the stage in the core group in the following cases:

  • If the student started studying in the prereq group (ACTIVE stage) but has the current stage in the core group lower than ENROLLED the stage of the core group automatically switches to ENROLLED.
  • If the student had been dropped from the prereq group (DROPPED stage) or had not started (NOT STARTED stage) and the student’s current stage in the core group is lower than ACTIVE the core group stage automatically switches to NOT STARTED because the student cannot start the core group without completing the prereq group first.
  • If the student had completed the prereq group (COMPLETED stage), the current stage in the core group is lower than ACTIVE and the Final Attendance = Present the core group stage automatically changes to ACTIVE.
  • If the student had completed the prereq group (COMPLETED stage), the current stage in the core group is lower than ACTIVE and the Final Attendance = Absent the core group stage automatically changes to NOT STARTED.