
  • Step 2 of 2: Add New Lead — Create New Lead page
  • Student "Name": Lead Details page
  • Student "Name": Registration Form page

Users with the following permissions

  • Leads & Students: Input SSN (only if it has not been already entered)


There are users that need to input SSN during students enrollment to the school. But they do not require the permission to view SSN in the future. 


The users require both permissions to input students SSN: View SSN and Input SSN. This makes it impossible to set the required access for the users.



Added the Input SSN (only if it has not been already entered) permission. Users with this permission can input SSN only for the new students and the students with empty SSN. These users do not require to have the View SSN permission.

Note: The Input SSN permission name has been changed to Edit SSN. This permission works the same way as before - users with this permission and the View SSN permission are able to enter and edit SSN:

If a student already has SSN entered it will not be editable (the SSN field will be hidden):

All the reports and the student profile will show SSN as a masked string: ***-**-****:

Available since GEGI v4.10.0 (view release notes)