
  • Leads/Students → Cohort Goals

Users with the following permissions

  • Leads/Students: Manage Cohort Goals



Campus directors, marketing managers and administration need to control the enrollment process of own cohorts.


How to evaluate the effectiveness of the enrollment processes in cohorts?



It is useful to establish cohort goals on GEGI. Such goals will define the goal (based on budgeting and decisions) number of students to enroll to a certain cohortAlong with the cohort goals, such features as Advisor Conversation Rates and Enrollment Dashboard will allow the full picture of the processes

To configure/set up the goals please go to Cohort Goals page. It is also possible to access this page from the above mentioned pages:

Following information should be inputted to create Cohort Goal:

  • Cohort - name of the cohort.
  • Enrollment Start Date - start date of open enrollment.
  • Target Enrollment Date - end date of the open enrollment.
  • Target Enrollments Count - goal number of students to be enrolled.
  • Target LEAD to CONTACT Rate, % - percentage of student conversion (LEAD → CONTACT).
  • Target CONTACT to PROSPECT Rate, % - percentage of student conversion (CONTACT → PROSPECT)
  • Target PROSPECT to REGISTERED Rate, % - percentage of student conversion (PROSPECT → REGISTERED).
  • Target REGISTERED to ENROLLED Rate, % - percentage of student conversion (REGISTERED → ENROLLED).

Note: If cohort is deleted, Cohort Goal will become invalid and will be highlighted with red.

Note: More information about student Stages of Pipeline you can find in the following article: What are the stages of pipeline? How many types of stages of pipeline are there?.

Available since GEGI v4.5.0 (view release notes)