
  • Leads Reports → Students Retention

Users with the following permissions

  • Leads/Students: View Students Retention Report



There is a need to analyze data of active students per cohort, campus and at a specific time period. 


How to download and view/print the report that provides information on currently active students per cohort, per campus and at a specific time period quickly and conveniently? 


The Students Retention report was added:


The report displays:
  • Number of Students - the number of active students in the cohort for the given date.
    Note: The active students are the students with the following stage in group: ENROLLED, ENROLLED Late Start, ACTIVE, ACTIVE Pending, LOA Pending, DROPPED Pending, COMPLETED or GRADUATED. More information about student stages of pipeline you can find in the following article: What are the stages of pipeline? How many types of stages of pipeline are there?.
  • Retention - the percent of students that retained in the cohort compared with the initial number of students at the beginning of the study.

Report's time-period may be changed:
  • By weeks: 
    • Select Week in the Show by drop-down list at the Search & Order panel.
    • Set the date in the From Date field to set the start date for the report.
    • Set the Number of Months field to define the number of months the report will display:

  • By months:
    • Select Month in the Show by drop-down list at the Search & Order panel.
    • Set the year in the From Year field to set the start year for the report.
    • Set the Number of Years field to define the number of years the report will display:

In order to switch between the previous or the next weeks/months, use the Previous N Weeks/Months and Next N Weeks/Months buttons above and below the Students Retention panel.

It's also possible to view statistics and compare cohorts conveniently using charts:
  1. Select the cohorts in the Students Retention panel.
  2. Click on the View Chart for Selected Cohorts item in the Actions drop-down menu above or below the Students Retention panel.
  3. Chart by selected cohorts will be displayed in the Students Retention (Number of Students) pop-up panel:


  4. To configure chart click on the Configure Chart button in the Students Retention (Number of Students) pop-up panel.
    Then configure settings in the appeared Configure Chart panelColumns and rows that will be displayed, chart type and data that will be displayed in the chart (Number of Students or Retention%can be selected:


Available since GEGI v4.6.0 (view release notes)