Closing a campaign manually

The instruction below explains how to close a text message campaign:

  1. Open the Text Message Campaigns page using the Campaigns menu item in the Text Messages menu tab:

  2. Click the Close item in the Actions drop-down menu in the corresponding campaign row:
  3. Enter your work phone number and email in the Close Campaign "Title" pop-up panel if they are empty.
  4. Click on the Close Campaign button:

Closing campaigns automatically

A campaign can be closed automatically on a specific date. This will help free up phone numbers for new campaigns and optimize messaging costs. 

When creating or editing a campaign, you can set the Closed on date for the automatic closing:

Fill in Close Campaign Email and Close Campaign Phone and the student that is subscribed to the campaign will receive this email address and this phone number in the final text message after closing:

The closing date can be edited and moved ahead in a certain period of time. This period is 21 days by default and can be configured by the Maximum Number of Days to Shift the Campaign Close Date setting:

You can customize the text of the final closing message in School Settings:

The Text Message Campaigns list includes the new Close Email and Close Phone fields:

When the closing date comes soon, notifications are sent to the user predefined in the Show Notifications to field:


By default, the notifications are sent 3 days and 1 day before closing but this can be configured by an admin using Number of Days to Send Notification Before Campaign Closing:

These notification emails are sent once a day and contain a link to your notification preferences and a clickable campaign name to edit its configuration: