Training GEGI website - this version allows users to practice and test their skills in GEGI without worrying about making unwanted changes to the live data on the Working GEGI website.

Note: The Training GEGI website needs to be configured individually for a school. Only then it will available.

Use the Open Training GEGI menu item in the Main menu tab to go to the Training GEGI website:

Use the Open Working GEGI menu item in the Main menu tab to go back to the Working GEGI website:

Any changes on the training website will be overwritten at 2 AM Pacific Time by the new data imported from the working GEGI.

Note: If you are a new user and do not have the access to the training GEGI, please, wait until the next day. Your account will be created automatically after the update. If you cannot wait and need the account on the training website urgently, please, contact GEGI LLC Support.