
  • Import Payments page
  • Import Refunds page

Users with the following permissions

  • Add (Refund, Award Refund, RSDR Refund, Returned Check, Tuition Adjustment, Sales Receipt)


The Import Payments and the Import Refunds pages interface differs from the Payments Reconciliation page interface.


The interfaces of similar pages in the system should correspond to be used effectively.


The interface of the Import Payments and Import Refund pages is improved to correspond to the Payments Reconciliation page. 

All pages now have hints.

The interface is split into 4 steps:

  1. Import Payments/Refunds: Step 1 of 4 - Upload File
    The first step requires uploading a file for import:

  2. Import Payments/Refunds: Step 2 of 4 - Mismatched Students
    The second step allows matching the students that have not been matched automatically:

  3. Import Payments/Refunds: Step 3 of 4 - Duplicated Payments
    The third step shows the list of duplicates - the records from the file that already exist in GEGI.
    The payments may be marked as "Not Duplicate" and they are passed to the fourth step:

  4. Import Payments/Refunds: Step 4 of 4 - Select Payments/Refunds and Complete Import
    There are two tabs at the fourth step: The Matched and the Mismatched.
    The Matched tab shows the payments ready for import.
    The Mismatched tab contains the following: the payments that can not be imported, duplicates that have not been selected at the third step, and the payments that have not been matched at the second step. The Reason column shows the reason:

    Both tabs allow downloading the results using the Download button.

Available since GEGI v4.12.0 (view release notes)