- Lead Conversion page
Users with the following permissions:
- Leads & Students: View Reports
Employees have to analyze not only the total lead conversion but specific sources conversion as well to understand which is more effective. There is also a need to be able to choose different date ranges, not only one month range.
At this moment all the required information can only be found on the Leads & Students page, and this takes much time.
The Lead Conversion report has been improved as follows.
The Search & Order panel now has the following search parameters added:
- Lead Created - the lead creation date (the selected range cannot be more than 12 months)
- Source Type
- Group by - the date range that the results are grouped by Months or Weeks:
If the Group by search parameter value is Weeks, the results in the Lead Conversion panel are grouped by weeks, not months:
Available since GEGI v4.13.0 (view release notes)