
  • Group "Name": Education Group Details page
  • Clinical Group "Name" page

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  • Education Courses: Link Didactic Courses with Clinical Group


When configuring didactic and clinical groups, if you configure instructors in the clinical course from a didactic group, this clinical course will not be automatically linked to the similar course in the clinical group.


How to improve course linking so that users do not have to fix everything manually in such cases?



Improved linking of the clinical courses in didactic and clinical groups. The courses will get linked in any case.

Even if an instructor is added to a course in the didactic group the course will be linked to a clinical group and the instructors will be automatically unassigned.

Note: You can find more information about how to link courses in didactic and clinical groups in the following article - How to correctly configure Clinical Groups?

Available since GEGI v4.13.0 (view release notes)