
  • Student "Name": Enrollment Agreement
  • Student "Name": Courses in Group

Users with the following permissions

  • Enrollment → Edit Enrollment Agreement
  • Education → View Students


When enrolling a student, users enter the Credit Granted courses that the student have completed in other group or educational institution.


At present moment, when creating Enrollment Agreement you can only set a student as Credit Granted or not and the list of courses can be supplied for the Credit Granted field as a note. The Credit Granted courses need to be configured in the Education tab in Student Profile


Added an ability to configure the Credit Granted courses in Enrollment Agreement and the Credit Granted Courses list is now a separate panel:

When creating the Enrollment Agreement, you will see a pop-up message with the following text: "Is this student credit granted?":

Clicking Yes will require choosing Credit Granted Courses at the next step in the Credit Granted Courses panel:

The courses will be automatically added to the Credit Granted Courses list in the Enrollment Agreement. All courses that have not been set as Credit Granted will be automatically assigned to the student.

You can edit a student's Credit Granted courses list by clicking the Edit button under the Credit Granted Courses panel in Enrollment Agreement:

GEGI performs validation for the credit granted courses matching the assigned courses. If the courses selected in Credit Granted Courses have been already assigned to a student, you will see a warning message:

You may ignore the warning, save the list, and proceed by clicking the Ignore Errors and Save.

If the Credit Granted Courses list is not coherent with the assigned courses list, the matching courses will be highlighted in red:

From now on, student courses cannot be edited on the Student "Name": Courses in Group page:

The courses are considered correctly configured if all group courses are assigned to the student or marked as Credit Granted. The Credit Granted Courses Discrepancy report is added to track the situations when courses are assigned incorrectly. The report will show the courses assigned to the student, the Credit Granted courses, and the courses that are both unassigned and not Credit Granted. The report is located in the Admin Reports → Data Problems menu tab:

Available since GEGI v4.20.0 (view release notes)