What is an Adjustment?

For all enrolling students an education Financial Aid Plan is created. The total sum is divided into payments of different types (FA and not FA), dates, and amounts. When the time comes, the payment is created and is sent to a student to be paid. The payments that should have been already paid are included in the student's A/R Card.

Note: FA Charge - is a payment that may be covered by a financial aid. Not FA Charge - a payment that cannot be covered by a financial aid and is paid by a student.

Sometimes there is a need to edit a payment that is already in student's A/R Card. Since that payment has already been sent to the student and sometimes already paid by the student, the payment cannot be edited. You can correct such payments with an Adjustment. Adjustment is added to Enrollment Agreement/Financial Aid Plan as a separate charge and corrects the total payment amount.

Adjustment in EA

In Enrollment Agreement only Not FA Charges or Must be Paid in Advance Charges can be corrected. Follow these steps to create an Adjustment:

  1. Open a student's Enrollment Agreement. Start editing draft EA or create a new draft EA if it does not exist:

  2. Find the Add Adjustment to Not FA Charges panel and fill the required fields.
    • Title - select the Not FA payment you need to correct.
    • Adjustment Amount - correct the amount. Type minus if the amount needs to be reduced.
    • Charge Date, mm/dd/yyyy - adjustment date:

  3. Click the Add button. Adjustment will correct the payment amount:

The student's A/R Card will display this payment as a separate charge:

You can find more information about working with EA in the following article: How to configure the Enrollment Agreement?

Adjustment in FA Plan

Adding an adjustment to Financial Aid Plan is similar to EA. Here you can correct FA Charges. Follow these steps to create an Adjustment in FA Plan:

  1. Open a student's Financial Aid Plan and start editing the draft FA Plan.
  2. Fill in the required fields in the Add Charge Adjustment panel at the bottom of the page:

  3. After you are done filling the fields, click the Add button.

All student's Adjustments are shown in the Charge Adjustments panel in the student's EA and FA Plan:

Adjustments can be edited only if their date is not within the closed period and you have the following permission: Populate EA with Past Charges (Non-Pending Transactions in Open Periods).