A student needs to be enrolled in a group after a student profile was added to GEGI. It's not possible to work properly with not enrolled students. Instructors cannot enter grades and attendance for such students, accounting managers cannot enter payments, etc.

After adding a student to GEGI and assigning groups, a student is switched to PENDING stage in each group. It means a student is waiting to be enrolled in a group:

Enrollment consists of several steps and the final one is preparing and signing an Enrollment Agreement. Then a student is considered to be enrolled in a group.

Register a Student

A student needs to be registered before enrolling in a school. In GEGI, it means that a Student's Stage in Group should be changed to REGISTERED.

As a rule, to get registered, a Registration Form should be filled with the student's personal data including information about previous education, and populated. Administrators can configure programs that do not require a registration form. It can be done by disabling the Registration Form is Required setting in the program settings (Education → Programs → Program → Edit).

If a Registration Form is not required according to the program settings, Student's Stage in Group can be simply changed from PENDING to REGISTERING/REGISTERED manually on the Student "Name": Data in Group page. Then stage in the group will be changed to REGISTERED automatically and the registration process will be finished:


If the Registration Form is required, do the following:

  • Start the registration process by changing the stage in the group from PENDING to REGISTERING/REGISTERED manually on Student "Name": Data in Group page. In this case, the stage will be changed to REGISTERING (meaning the registration is in process).

If an admission advisor has not created a Registration Form right after changing the stage, it can be done later using the Create Reg. Form button on the Student "Name": Lead - Details page.

  • Filling out the Registration Form.

Click the Edit button on the Student "Name": Registration Form page. You will see the Student "Name": Edit Registration Form page. Fill in the student’s information (contact details, previous education, etc):

Add the Reg Fee charge if it was not created automatically from EA Template using the Add Charge panel:

  • Populating a Registration Form.

Note: In GEGI, "populating" means "locking" the document in the current state. The populated document cannot be changed. To make changes, you need to create a new draft, edit it, and then populate again.

To populate a Registration Form, click the Populate button on the Student "Name": Registration Form page. The Registration Form will be populated and the stage in the group will be changed to REGISTERED automatically if all information is entered correctly. That means the student's registration is completed. If some information is not entered or entered incorrectly, the following message will be displayed. It contains information about issues that must be addressed before populating again:

Enroll a Student

After the successful registration of a student (the stage in the group is REGISTERED), the student enrollment starts.
When enrolling a student in GEGI, the main tasks are to assign courses, create and populate the Enrollment
Agreement (if required), and change the stage in the group to ENROLLED.

Begin enrollment by changing the stage in the group from REGISTERED to ENROLLING/ENROLLED on the Student "Name": Data in Group page:

  • The Enrollment Agreement can be set as required to be signed before studying in a program using the EA is Required program setting. Then an admission advisor should create, fill, and populate the student's Enrollment Agreement in a group. After that, the stage will change to ENROLLED automatically.
  • If the Enrollment Agreement is not required, just change the stage in the group from REGISTERED to ENROLLING/ENROLLED manually on the Student "Name": Data in Group page. The stage in the group will be changed to ENROLLED automatically.

Note: Without creating an Enrollment Agreement the cost of education in a program and expected payments cannot be defined for a student.

The Enrollment Agreement is the agreement that is made between an educational institution and a student before
the study begins in a group.

When creating the Enrollment Agreement, you can define whether a student is Credit Granted or not and select Credit Granted courses. In this case, EA is created with the list of Credit Granted courses while other courses will be assigned to the student. The assigned and Credit Granted courses list can be edited at any time by clicking the Edit button below the Credit Granted Courses table on the Enrollment Agreement page:

Please note that you can select the student’s courses on the Courses in Group page for the groups where the Enrollment Agreement is not required or not created:

Note: You can find more information about Credit Granted Courses in the following article: Added the ability to select the Credit Granted Courses in Enrollment Agreement.

There are two versions of EA: 

  • Draft — the draft version of a document. This version can be edited and configured. When all the required information is filled in, EA can be saved to the populated version. 
  • Populated — the final version of a document that is to be signed by the student. This version cannot be edited. If you need to make changes, create a new draft, change it, and populate again.

You can find more information about working with EA in the following article: How to configure Enrollment Agreement?

The Financial Aid Plan is created along with EA for all students (if FA module is enabled).

Financial Aid Plan — is the plan of paying for the student's study. It contains the plan of payments that will cover the student's study, as well as credits, grants, and awards:

EA and FA plans depend on each other and that is why they must not conflict (e.g., the education payment amounts must be equal). New drafts creation and document population happen simultaneously so both documents must be configured properly. 

After the Enrollment Agreement is populated, If the Approve ENROLLED Student Stage of Pipeline in Group After setting in the Academy Settings is set to:

  • Enrollment Agreement is Populated — the stage in the student group will be automatically changed to ENROLLED.
  • Enrollment Agreement is Signed Using E-Sign — the stage in the student group will remain ENROLLING/ENROLLED until the e-sign package with the Enrollment Agreement is created and signed by the student and school representatives. Then the stage in the student group will be automatically changed to ENROLLED.
  • Signed Enrollment Agreement is Uploaded to the Student Folder — the stage in the student group will remain ENROLLING/ENROLLED until the Enrollment Agreement is signed by the student and school representatives, and uploaded to the Student Folder.

The stage can be manually changed to ENROLLED, if a user has a corresponding permission.

Note: The Approve ENROLLED Student Stage of Pipeline in Group After setting allows choosing multiple values so the stage in the student group will change to ENROLLED depending on which of the selected events occur first. You can find more information about this setting in the following article: Enrollment: Added ENROLLED Status Change after Enrollment Agreement is signed using E-Sign or Uploaded to Student Folder.

When the student's stage in a group becomes ENROLLED, the student is considered as completely enrolled into a group. And when the student's study in the group starts, the stage will change to ACTIVE.

Note: You can find more information about student stages of pipeline in the following article: What are the stages of pipeline? How many types of the stages of pipeline are there?