What is the Enrollment Agreement (EA)?

The Enrollment Agreement is the agreement that is made between an educational institution and a student before the study begins in a group. It includes information about the program and the student, approved payment amounts, and study dates.


Creating EA

EA is a mandatory document for a student to be enrolled in a group if the EA is Required setting is enabled in the program.

EA can be created in two ways:

  • Change the student's Stage of Pipeline in Group from REGISTERED to ENROLLING/ENROLLED on the Student "Name": Data in Group page. After that, you will see a prompt to create EA. Click Yes.
  • Click the Create Enrollment Agreement link in the row of the corresponding group on the Groups panel on the Student "Name": Enrolled — Details page:

When creating EA, you will be asked about the student having credit granted courses or not:

If yes, you need to select which courses exactly are credit granted and the courses that need to be assigned to the student. Besides that, along with the courses you need to choose the books the student will purchase to study in the group. This information can be changed later:

Note: Credit Granted means the student has completed certain courses of that program in this or other educational institution.

There are cases when all courses can be set as Credit Granted. For example, when a student was dropped after failing a licensure exam, then passed it outside the school, and is now back to receive a diploma. So the student is assigned to a group and during the Enrollment Agreement population, a corresponding validation notification will be shown:

Only users with a special permission can populate the Enrollment Agreement with this limitation.

If the student was transferred from another group, EA will be created automatically based on EA from the previous group.

The Method of Delivery field is required and will be displayed in the PDF version. When creating the Enrollment Agreement, this field will be prefilled with the value from the assigned courses if all courses have the same value. Otherwise, the value is taken from the program:

Note: When assigning courses, the system will prompt you to renew the Method of Delivery if it differs from the value in the Enrollment Agreement.


Draft and Populated Versions of a Document

There are two versions of EA: 

  • Draft — the draft version of a document. This version can be edited and configured. When all the required information is filled in, EA can be saved to the populated version. 
  • Populated — the final version of a document that is to be signed by the student. This version cannot be edited. If you need to edit it, create a new draft version, change it, and populate it again.
Note: GEGI stores only the last populated version of a document.

Create or delete a draft using the New Draft and the Delete Draft buttons. Switch between draft and populated versions using the Show Draft and the Show Populated buttons:


EA Structure

An Enrollment Agreement consists of the following:

  • Student's Data in EA panel — contains the data about a group of a student (e.g., start and completion dates, schedule, etc.), credit granted information, Opted Out status:

Note: Opted Out fields contain information about student’s acquiring additional options, e.g., Hardware/Software, electronic books and electronic library access, etc. Opted Out Fields are customizable — you can edit, delete, or create new fields. You can also link these fields with charges and the system will automatically set the values in these fields according to student charges. You can find more information about this in the following article:  Enrollment Agreement: Added the ability to configure Opted Out fields.
  • Populated panel — contains information about the date and the author of the last population:

  • Draft panel — contains information about the date and the author of the last draft changes:

  • Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees panel — contains the list of payments, their amounts, and payment dates. The payments marked Should be Paid in Advance (the setting on the Admin → Charges & Payments page) should be paid before signing EA:

    When creating EA, all payments are copied from the EA template of a group. It can be done manually as well using the Update Charges from Group button on the Edit Enrollment Agreement page:
    Note: If a school has the Financial Aid (FA) module enabled and FA is available for the current program, the charges are divided into FA (covered by Financial Aid) and Not FA (paid by the student).
    Charges can be added manually on the Add Charge panel: 
    Note: When adding a charge with the "Charge for Repeated Courses" property (e.g., Tuition Repeat charge), you need to select courses that the charge applies to. You can only select the courses assigned to the student in the current group, and the courses assigned to the student in the group from which the student is transferred. The courses should be also completed in the previous group (the Is Final Grade? checkbox checked). The charge with the "Charge for Repeated Course" property can only be added to the student after the student is transferred from the DROPPED stage of pipeline.

If the conditions are not met for selecting Charge for Repeated Courses, this charge type will not be available in the drop-down list:

You can hover over the information icon to see the explanation of why some charges are not available for selection:

  • Adjustments panel — contains adjustments for Not FA payments and the payments with the Should be Paid in Advance setting enabled (FA payment can be adjusted in FA Plan):

Note: If the charge has already been included in AR Card, it should be edited with adjustments (How to create an Adjustment in EA and FA Plan?).
  • Assigned Courses panel — contains the courses assigned to the student:
  • Assigned Books panel — shows the list of books assigned to the student:

More information about books configuring can be found in the following article:  Configuring the List of Books for Programs, Courses, and Students.

  • Prereq Requirements panel  contains information about prereq courses of the student.
  • Expected Payments panel — this panel shows the information about the student's expected payments (EP). These are the payments that the student pays without FA. The amount and the due date are configured for these payments. The student will be notified 15 days before the due date. EP can be edited, canceled, or deleted depending on the situation:

    More detailed information about paying for education including student FA can be found in the student's Financial Aid Plan. You can read about FA Plan configuration in the following article: How to configure Financial Aid Plan?


EA Template (PDF)

PDF template for printing EA can be configured on the AdminStudent Folders & Templates →  PDF TemplatesEnrollment Agreement Template.

You can edit a block of a template the following way:

  1. Select the Edit item in the Actions drop-down menu of the corresponding block on the Template Blocks panel.
  2. You will see the Edit Block page that allows editing the following information:
    • Content — block content
    • After — the block that precedes this block
    • Type — the block type can be Text, List Item, or Header.
    • Parent Block, List Item Type — if the block Type is set to List Item, you should select the parent block and the list type (Numeric, Alphabetic, Dotted).
    • Text Inside List — used to add a text abstract in the list without formatting it as a list. 
    • Has Initial — with this setting enabled, a block will show the zone for the student's signature
  3. Click the Save button.

You can edit the whole template as follows:

  1. Click the Edit button under the Template Blocks panel.
  2. You will see the Edit Template "Title" page. Edit the template using the following functions:
    • Add new blocks using the Add Block panel.
    • Edit the content of each block in the corresponding field.
    • Delete a block using the Delete item in the Actions drop-down menu.
    • Change blocks order using Up and Down in the Actions drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Save button.

View EA (PDF)

You can acquire EA as a PDF document by clicking the View EA (PDF) button in the Actions drop-down menu under the Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees table in the student's EA:

The system will create a document using the configured template. The document will show the student information, study dates and duration, charges, etc. Read more about e-sign in the E-sign Guide:


EA Template for Groups

EA group template is created when you need to add a student to the group with an EA filled with the basic set of charges instead of an empty EA. This saves time when filling EA with information.

The template is accessed using the EA Template button on the Group Details page:

To edit the template, click the Edit button:

You can edit the existing charges or add new ones:

To create a new charge, click the Add Charge button and enter its title and amount. Click the Save button:

After the charge is added, you can change the additional settings: Not FA, Charge Date: 

Note: No FA Charges — are the charges that cannot be covered by financial aid.


After you are done configuring the charges, click the Next button. If there ho already have EA in that group, the system will prompt to update existing EAs. If you agree, all listed students will have their EA updated. If you skip this step, existing EAs will remain unchanged while EAs for the new students will be created with new charges:

You can also set up expected payments for the EA Template. When the student’s EA is created, expected payments are automatically copied to the student.

You can edit the expected payments template by clicking the Edit button:

The Remaining Balance matches the total amount of "Not FA" charges in the EA Template:


Populate EA

After all required information is added to EA, click Populate below the Draft panel. 

If the information is entered correctly, the document becomes populated after confirmation. If there are errors, the system will show a notification with the errors' description, and the document will remain in the draft version:

These errors need to be corrected before trying to populate the document again.

Note: Users with the required permissions can populate EA ignoring certain errors. The errors that can be ignored are marked with * symbol.

If you have no permission to ignore errors or you do not know how to correct them, click the create request link. After that, a support ticket is created in GEGI with your request to help with populating.

Automatic Charge Amount Calculation

The following charge types support automatic charge amount calculation: Tuition Fee, Books Fee, Tuition Charge for Repeated Courses. If you need a charge to support automatic calculation, assign one of those charge types to your charge:


Values of those charge types can be easily distinguished in the Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees panel as they do not have the textbox for manual entry. For example, the Books Fee is a field that supports the automatic calculation, and the Reg. Fee does not:


If you hover over a field that supports automatic calculation, you will see an edit icon and a tooltip that explains the calculations:

If the value was entered manually for a field that supports automatic calculation, the system will compare the manually entered value with the automatically calculated one. If the values differ, the Amount field will be highlighted in yellow:

Hover over the field to see the difference details:

Enabling the Automatic Calculation

The automatic calculation is enabled by default when adding a new charge of a supported type. The Amount field is disabled for manual entry as well. You can disable automatic calculation by unchecking the Calculate the Amount Automatically checkbox below the Amount field on the Add Charge panel:

If automatic calculation is disabled, you will be able to enter the amount manually again.

If you already have a manually entered amount for a charge in the Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees panel, you can still enable the automatic calculation:

1) Hover over the amount value:

2) Click the edit icon.

3) Check the Use the Calculated Amount checkbox and click Save:

If you just need to edit the manually entered value or override the automatically calculated, do not check the checkbox and just enter a new value:

Note: The automatic calculation is mostly a straightforward function but there are certain differences in calculations depending on the charge type. More information below.

Books Fee


If a charge type is Books Fee, the Amount field can be calculated automatically based on the cost of the assigned books:

Note: The automatic calculation will be available only if there is a single charge of the Books Fee type. Adding multiple charges of this type will disable the automatic calculation for all charges of this type in the list.

Tuition Fee


Automatic calculation for that charge type is based on the cost per hour and the number of hours a student has taken. 

The calculations are only performed for the courses associated with the charge:

Note: The automatic calculation will be available only if there is a single charge of the FATuition Fee type. Adding multiple charges of this type will disable the automatic calculation for all charges of this type in the list.

For the Not FA Tuition Fee charge there is an ability to add multiple charges of that type. Each Not FA Tuition Fee charge amount will be calculated automatically using the courses added to that charge.

When adding the Not FA Tuition Fee charge with the courses that have already been counted in the FA Tuition Fee charge, the FA Tuition Fee charge will be recalculated using the remaining courses. In this case, the Amount field of the FA Tuition Fee charge will be highlighted in yellow. The tooltip will inform about the changes in the calculation formula and it is recommended to use the new calculation result for the Amount field:

Additionally, the FA Tuition Fee charge tooltip will list the names of the courses used in the calculation when adding a Not FA Tuition Fee charge with courses that have been previously used for FA Tuition Fee charge.

For the Not FA Tuition Fee charge, the tooltip shows the courses used in the calculation:

Tuition Repeat


Automatic calculation for the Tuition Repeat charge type is based on cost per hour, the number of hours the student had taken, and the courses selected when adding the charge:

Note: Unlike the other charge types, Tuition Repeat charges can be added multiple times and will still support automatic calculation.
Note: Upon DROPPED, LOA, AM/PM Transfer, the Tuition Repeat charge is copied to the new group. If the student’s course list in the new group contains courses associated with Tuition Repeat from the previous group, the courses will be automatically associated with Tuition Repeat in the new group. If at least one course is missing, the list of courses remains empty. The Enrollment Agreement can not be populated without selecting courses for this charge. 

While the Tuition Repeat charge is always available in the Title field list, the course selection in the Repeated Courses field and adding this charge to Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees are only available during a DROPPED Transfer. Otherwise, you will see a validation message after clicking Add:

When adding a Tuition Repeat charge, you can set Amount to 0. This will make all courses associated with that charge free for the student:

Edit Courses for Not FA Charges

For the tuition fee to be automatically calculated correctly in a group, you should define a list of courses associated with that charge for Not FA and Tuition Repeat. The list is defined as follows:

1. Open the current student’s draft EA and click Edit Draft.

2. Find the associated charge in the Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees section:

3. Click Actions Edit Courses in the corresponding row:

4. You will see a pop-up window where you need to select only the courses immediately associated with that charge: