GEGI Student Management System (version 4.23.0)


  • Added an article: How to configure courses?
  • Grading: Fixed the error that led to incorrect calculation of the current grade if subcomponents have not been fully configured.


  • 1098-T Table: Improved the student search between GEGI and imported files. The differences in names (including the alternative names) and additional information in the curly brackets are now taken into account.
  • 1098-T Table report has been updated to the year 2020.

Financial Aid:

  • Added an article: Shopping Sheet.
  • FA Plan: Fixed the error in the Total Estimated Payments calculation. The awards sum calculation now uses Net sums.
  • FA Plan: Fixed the error that led to an incorrect comparison of equal float numbers. Now all EA and FA plan sums are compared correctly without affecting its population.

Leads & Students:

Student Folders:

  • Folders Audit: Fixed the error that caused filtering by stage in group show students, not from the current campus.
