GEGI Student Management System (version 4.27.0)


  • SAP: Fixed the error that made SAP hours being calculated incorrectly. Now, the calculations take Pay Per 1 Start Date into account: if the start date is earlier than Pay Per 1 Start Date, these hours are not included in SAP.



  • A/R Card: Fixed the transactions display in A/R Card (PDF). Now, all transactions can be viewed because the text is not overlapping.
  • Aging Summary Billing report: Fixed the error that led to incorrect amounts in the report. The error appeared after May 2020 release and had been fixed in a few days.
  • Expected Payments: Fixed the error that allowed adding an expected payment with the amount of $ 0.00.

Financial Aid:

  • Added Financial Aid Estimates.
  • Financial Aid Plan: Fixed the error that led to an incorrect comparison of equal float numbers. Now all EA and FA plan sums are compared correctly without affecting its population.
  • Financial Aid Plan: Fixed the error that prevented saving of value of the "Grade Level in College" field if the "1st Year Undergraduate and Has Attended College Before" option is selected.

Leads & Students:


  • Emails: Fixed the error that appeared during editing a document in Student Folders. The error made the "New Student Document was uploaded" notification being sent twice when simultaneously uploading a file and changing the document type.