GEGI Student Management System (version 4.37.0)


  • Added the ability to set "Cost per Hour/Credit" for other course types.
  • Enrollment Agreement: Updated the STRF charges calculation and changed the STRF rate display units from "%" to "$".
  • Enrollment Agreement: Fixed the date validation when adding an adjustment. Now, the charge date will be the current date and the adjustment date cannot be earlier than the charge date.


  • Added an article: Balance Adjustment. 
  • Transactions: Improved the transaction changing after a student is transferred to another group — the new transactions are not created anymore for the charges changed after a transfer.
  • A/R Card: Fixed the error that led to showing a positive balance from the previous student’s groups in some cases while the actual balance was $ 0.
  • Billing Reports: Fixed the "Show Only Voided Bills" filter error that caused the bills with the "Voided Bills" status to be missing in the "Bills" report on "Billing reports".
  • Bills: Fixed the error that caused the payments from the completed group to be shown in the student’s "Current Statement of Obligation".
  • Bills: Fixed the error that could lead to students having bills with the same numbers. The bill number format has changed as well. It is now "11111-1" where "11111" is the student’s ID and "-1" is the ordinal bill number for the student.
  • Financial Reports: Fixed the filtering error in the "Customer Balance Detail" and the "Customer Balance Summary" reports. The filter now shows all transactions regardless of the selected group. Filtering by group applies to the students only and does not apply to the transactions of the students.


Financial Aid:

  • Added breaks to the academic year end date calculation.
  • Files From SAIG Mailbox: Improved the speed for the report.
  • Files From SAIG Mailbox: Added the ability to download the following files: SHDRLROP, SHCDRROP, SHCDREOP, CDRCSVOP. You can find more information in the following article: Downloading Files From the SAIG Mailbox.
  • Originate & Disburse: Added the ability to switch the anticipated disbursements status from "Accepted" to "Ready" without the need to change the information by saving the form.
  • Originate & Disburse: Changing the origination record group led to the same change for all disbursements related to that record. Now, such group change applies only to anticipated disbursements (the "Disburse Release Indicator" flag is unchecked) while the actual disbursements remain unchanged.
  • Financial Aid Estimate: Fixed the error that prevented saving changes for "Financial Aid Estimate". Now, the origination fee is required for an academic year if "Estimated Awards" is set for the academic year. You will not be able to save "Financial Aid Estimate" until "Origination Fee" is filled in.
  • Originate & Disburse: Fixed the error that caused the last incoming document ID to be shown in the "Origination Document ID" field. Now, the first document ID is shown.
  • Originate & Disburse: Fixed the error that led to an invalid file being received right after the valid one when changing the status of the disbursement.


Leads & Students: 

  • Lead Reports: Added pagination to the "Not Duplicate Students" report.
  • Student Folders: Changed the validation interval for "Due Date" from once a day to every minute to prevent the error with the expired document signing within the required period.
  • Student Folders: Fixed the error causing the impossibility to deliver emails about the e-sign package.  From now on, if a student has an e-sign package with the "Processing", "Signed Processing", or "Signing" status, it is impossible to change the primary email in the student’s profile.
  • Student Folders: Fixed the error that prevented downloading files of students whose names contained certain symbols (e.g., an apostrophe).


  • Added an article: GEGI API.
  • Text Message: The incoming text message filtering settings are changed to ignore the messages to the company number from unknown numbers.