What are PDF Templates?

PDF Templates are templates for GEGI generated documents that can be downloaded or used for e-sign. You can find them on the AdminPDF Templates page:

How to Edit Templates?

Templates can be modified by clicking the Edit button in the Actions drop-down menu:

The entire template consists of blocks with different texts inside. Blocks are then combined into one document and sent to the involved user for signing. Each block has a tooltip. The tooltip shows a list of Substitutions that can be used for auto-filling certain data in the template (for example, Campus Address, depending on the campus in which this document will be signed). Here is an example of using Substitutions:

Substitutions are defined in the programming code and cannot be modified. However, you can enable or disable certain substitutions by clicking Edit Substitutions under the Substitutions panel:

This page shows the list of additional substitutions that can be enabled or disabled by clicking Edit in the Actions drop-down menu in the corresponding substitution row:

After you disable a substitution, the corresponding information and/or fields will not be shown in the template.

You can delete or reorder blocks using the Actions drop-down menu in the corresponding row. You can format the text using the text formatting panel at the top of each block:

New blocks can also be added. Just scroll to the end of the page and click Add Block. Now select the new block location and its type.

The Type section includes the following items: School Logo, Header, Text, List Item, Page Break, and Bottom Line

If you use School Logo, please make sure that it is placed as the first block of the template or after Page Break. Otherwise, the logo may be displayed incorrectly:

Please note that the List Item block type has additional options in List Options and Text Options:

All changes can be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. You can also reset all changes of the template to the initial version by clicking on the Reset to Default button:

Some templates have additional settings. The templates are defined in the programming code and cannot be modified. However, they can be enabled or disabled if needed.

The list of the available additional settings can be found on the Additional Settings panel where you can enable or disable them:

How to Change the Document Signers?

Templates allow changing certain signers in a document using the Signers block of a template.

The list starts with the fixed signers in the order defined by the document signing procedure. These signers are marked as Required. They cannot be removed from a template and have a hint icon near the order number.

Other signers can be edited or removed.

Click Add under the Signers block to add a new signer:

Adding a signer requires defining the signer’s type (Admission Advisor, External Signer, School Official, Student) and the Required property (which makes the signer required when creating an e-sign package with this document).

Note: You cannot add signers of the External Signer or the Student type in a single document. Signers of other types are allowed to be added more than one.

After adding additional signers, their signing order is defined using the Up or Down buttons in the Actions menu but the fixed signers order cannot be changed.

What Are the Differences Between the Main Types of Documents?

Each document has a certain unique structure, so not all its parts can be deleted or modified, and the block types and their titles may differ too.

There is also another difference regarding the Enrollment Agreement templates. You can set up multiple templates for them.

How to Add Multiple Templates for the Enrollment Agreement?

Each type of the Enrollment Agreement can have any number of modified templates based on the main document template:

To create a new template, select Add Enrollment Agreement Template from the Actions drop-down menu:

In the Template Details tab, fill in the Name and the Template Type fields and click the Add button:

The new template is now attached to the parent template:

How to Edit Templates for the Enrollment Agreement?

Child templates can be edited using the Edit button in the Actions drop-down menu in the corresponding row:

Child templates also have the Template Details panel showing the parent template type:


The rest of the settings work exactly the same way as for parent templates.