GEGI Student Management System (version 4.42.0)


  • Edit Notifications: Fixed the error that led to some users receiving emails regardless of the disabled user notifications.


  • Courses: Fixed the error when student’s clinical courses including the data in clinical rotations could be deleted by user.
  • Cohorts & Groups: Fixed the error when the grades and grade dates were not saved in "Edit Student Checklists".


  • Added an article: How to Customize PDF Templates?
  • Enrollment Agreement Template: Fixed the incorrect tuition fee charge calculation for the groups with substitute courses.
  • Stages of Pipeline: Fixed the error that led to the incorrect group being shown in the "Main Stage of Pipeline" table.

Financial Aid:

  • ISIR: Added the ability to upload ISIRs for the award year 2022-2023, get data from them, and download ISIR PDF.
  • Originate & Disburse: Fixed the error that prevented saving the "Enroll OPE ID" value in the "Borrower Loan Information" panel.


  • Deposits Reconciliation: Added the ability to cancel reconciliations.
  • Received Payments: Added the "Select All Rows", "Reset", and "Invert Selection" selectors.
  • A/R Card: Fixed the error that allowed the charges to remain in the A/R Card when switching from ACTIVE to NOT STARTED regardless of the pending period (10 days).
  • Customer Balance Detail: Fixed the error that prevented the PDF export from the "Customer Balance Detail" report of a single student.
  • Expected Payments: Removed the ability to Create Bill in a draft version because such bill did not show up in the reports.
  • Received Payments: Fixed the error when some payments applied to bills incorrectly leading to the incorrect value in "Open Balance for Bills".

Leads & Students:

  • Cohorts & Groups: Fixed the error that led to the changes not being saved after users edited a group without the permission to edit "Has Courses that Require Books".
  • Registration Form: Fixed the error when charge from the populated Registration form was replaced with charge from EA draft.


  • System Journal: The journal now logs all user IPs. You can find more information in the following article: System Journal.
  • IPEDS Reports: GEGI no longer supports IPEDS reports and they are hidden in the system.