
  • Originate & Disburse → Direct Loans
  • Originate & Disburse → Pell

Users with the following permissions:

  • Financial → Originations and Disbursements → Send to COD (all students)
  • Financial → Originations and Disbursements → Send to COD if There Are Differences With ISIR


The originations and disbursements that are sent to COD should contain up-to-date information about a student.


GEGI has no automatic validation of student information sent to COD. It can only be validated manually by matching it with the ISIR data.


Added the validation of student information based on the last acquired ISIR. Pell and Direct Loans originations are validated before being sent to COD. If some data does not match, sending is only possible with the Send to COD if there are Differences with ISIR permission.

Available since 4.43.0 (view release notes)