GEGI Student Management System (version 4.44.0)


  • Added the "Student Folders & Templates" menu for working with the document templates in GEGI.


  • Transcript PDF: Instead of "In Progress" the "I" (incomplete) grade is shown in the transcript for the old groups for the students with Transferred, Dropped Transferred, or LOA Transferred Stages of Pipeline in Group. You can find more information in the following article: Grades in Transcripts and Abbreviations.
  • Transcript: Fixed the error that led to the incorrect course name being displayed in Transcript PDF.



Financial Aid:

  • Financial Aid Plan: Fixed incorrect validation triggering for transaction change in closed periods during population.
  • Originate & Disburse: Fixed the error that prevented sending a record to COD when "Borrower’s Current SSN" matched any student’s SSN.
  • Originate & Disburse: Fixed the error that prevented showing actual information for disbursements.

Leads & Students:

  • Registration Form: Fixed the error when a charge was deleted from a registration form after changing the charge group to the group in the draft Enrollment Agreement.


  • User Details: Added the "Preferred Pronoun" field.
  • Contacts: The "Student" column is renamed to "Full Name".
  • Fixed the error when a blank page was shown without any explanations after some system errors. Now, the error message is displayed in such cases.