
  • Leads & Students → Student "Name": Expected Payments 

Users with the following permissions: 

  • Bills and Expected Payments Add Bills Without Creating Draft of Expected Payments for Students in DROPPED/LOA Dropped Stage of Pipeline in Group


The students in the DROPPED/LOA Dropped status need their bills list updated.


The bills list can be updated only during the populating of the Enrollment Agreement/Financial Aid Plan/Expected Payments. This is not always possible with the DROPPED/LOA Dropped status.


Added the ability to create bills without creating the Expected Payments Draft for students in the DROPPED/LOA Dropped status:

To create such bills a user needs the following permission: Add Bills Without Creating Draft of Expected Payments for Students in DROPPED/LOA Dropped Stage of Pipeline in Group.

Changing or deleting bills is still only possible in the Expected Payments Draft. This is planned to be changed in future releases.

Available since 4.45.0 (view release notes)