- Leads & Students → Student "Name": Enrollment Agreement
- Student "Name": Financial Aid Plan
Users with the following permissions:
- Enrollment → View Enrollment Agreement
- Financial → View
The tuition fee amount can be distributed across multiple charges in the Enrollment Agreement.
When populating the Enrollment Agreement, not all tuition charges are included in the total tuition fee.
All charges with tuition fees (e.g., "Prerequisites", "Tuition Fee for Core Program", "Gen. Ed. Tuition") are now included in the calculation on the Charges Itemization & Total Tuition Fees table. The tooltip will show the comparison of charges sum and the cost of all assigned courses calculated by cost per hour (credit).
The validation rule for the Enrollment Agreement population has changed: if a student has more than one tuition charge, the sum of those charges is compared to the cost of the courses assigned to the student. If the sums do not match, you will see the message:
The sum of tuition charges ("Prerequisites", "Tuition Fee for Core Program") is $34,870.00 and this sum is not equal to the automatically calculated value for tuition ($18,662.00).
Available since 4.48.0 (view release notes).