
  • Education Group Details → View or Record Grades Edit Grade

Users with the following permissions: 

  • Education → Grading → Edit Grades →Edit Final Grade (all)
  • Education → Grading → Edit Grades → Edit Final Grade (own)
  • Education → Clinical Grading → Edit Clinical Grades → Edit Final Grade (all)
  • Education → Clinical Grading → Edit Clinical Grades → Edit Final Grade (own)


The school is preparing the Transcript PDFs for the students that have not completed their study.


The students that have not completed their study have an incorrect "I" (Incomplete) grade for the started courses in the Transcript PDF.


Added the ability to set "N/A" as a final grade to any course of a student:

This grade is shown in the Transcript PDF:

Available since 4.50.0 (view release notes).