- Financial → Add → Award Refund
- Financial → Students → Student: Payments & Refunds
Users with the following permissions:
- Financial → Received Payments → Add (Refund, Award Refund, RSDR Refund, Returned Check, Tuition Adjustment, Sales Receipt/Refund, Student Balances)
- Financial → Received Payments → Edit (Refund, Award Refund, RSDR Refund, Returned Check, Tuition Adjustment, Sales Receipt/Refund, Student’s Balances)
When creating a 90/10 Revenue Percentage report, you need to individually set the amount of award refunds that are performed under 34 C.F.R § 668.22.
At this moment, you cannot tell which award refunds are under 34 C.F.R § 668.22.
When adding or editing an award refund, you now have the ability to define that the refund is refunded in accordance with 34 C.F.R § 668.22 or not:
Available since 4.51.0 (view release notes).