
  • Financial → Students → Student "Name": Financial Aid Plan

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Transportation charges in the FA Plan are calculated based on the ratio between the Average Miles Student Travels to Campus and IRS Standard Mileage Rates.


IRS Standard Mileage Rates are updated annually and when creating a draft FA Plan, the Transportation values are recalculated using the new rates including the past academic years.


When creating a drat FA Plan, the automatic Transportation calculations for the past academic years use the Average Miles Student Travels to Campus and IRS Standard Mileage Rates values that had been set in the system at the moment of populating that academic year:

For future academic years, Transportation is calculated with the Average Miles Student Travels to Campus and IRS Standard Mileage Rates values currently set in the system:

During the Transportation calculation, the IRS Standard Mileage Rates are taken from the dictionary located at Financial Aid →  Settings → IRS Standard Mileage Rates:

The Average Miles Student Travels to Campus can be defined in campus settings (Admin → Campuses):

Available since 4.54.0 (view release notes).