The Courses Report is useful when you need a list of courses for Moodle or for other user requests. The report can be accessed from the main menu: EducationCourses Report:

The report shows all courses in groups and clinical groups, and distributes the data among the following set of fields: Number, Title, LMS Short Name, Group, Program, Campus, Type of Course, Method of Delivery, Module, Clock Hours in Course, Scheduled Hours in Course, Enrolled/Active Students, Students With at Least One Class Attended, Start Date, and Completion Date

The fields set can be customized using the Presets panel located beside the Search & Order panel:

All fields are available in the Search & Order panel that allows finding courses by various criteria including the ability to find all courses with the planned classes number less than defined in the course settings:

If a course is linked to a clinical group, you will see an "L" icon in the Title column:

Clicking the linked group title will bring you to the Clinical Group: Clinical Rotations page.

The Enrolled/Active Students column shows the number of students with the following statuses: