The Courses Report is useful when you need a list of courses for Moodle or other user requests. The report is available in the Education → Education Reports → Courses Report menu.
The report is implemented in the GEGI Reporting System:
The report shows all courses in groups and clinical groups and distributes the data among the following set of fields: Number, Title, LMS Short Name, Group Name, Program Name, Program Short Name, Campus Name, Type of Course, Method of Delivery, Module, Clock Hours in Course, Scheduled Hours in Course, Enrolled/Active Students, Students With at Least One Class Attended, Start Date, Completion Date, CourseKey Synchronization Status, Current Number of Absences, Three Days in Row Absence, Is Attendance Overdue, Instructors.
Column visibility can be toggled using the "gear" icon in the lower left corner on the Courses Report, Table report:
Filters for all fields are located in the upper part of the report:
- The Enrolled/Active Students column shows the number of students with the following statuses:ENROLLING/ENROLLED, ACTIVE, ACTIVE Pending, and ENROLLED Late start.
- The Current Number of Absences column calculates the total number of student absences for the course.
- The Three Days in Row Absence column shows "Yes" value, if at least one student in the course has missed three consecutive classes, otherwise, the value will be "No".
- The Is Attendance Overdue column shows "Yes" value if there are overdue attendance entries in the course, and "No" if all attendance records are up-to-date. An attendance entry is considered overdue if the instructor has not entered an attendance record for a student. Any entry counts as long as it is made on the day of the class.