
  • Financial → Students → Student "Name": Enrolled Details → Student "Name": Enrollment Agreement

Users with the following permissions:

  • Enrollment → View Enrollment Agreement
  • Enrollment → Edit Enrollment Agreement


The charges amounts are calculated based on the student’s course and book lists when creating the Enrollment Agreement.


The student’s course and book lists can be changed without creating the draft Enrollment Agreement.


The student’s course and book lists can only be changed in the draft Enrollment Agreement.

After that, the charges that depend on those lists (Tuition Fee, Books Fee) are automatically recalculated if the corresponding charge is set to be recalculated automatically. If the charge amount was entered manually and differs from the total sum of the books in the list, the sum of the charge will be colored in yellow and the hint about the discrepancy will appear.

Note: To set the charge to be calculated automatically, press Edit Draft button, then hover the mouse over the corresponding charge. The Edit button will appear near the sum of the charge. Press the Edit button and set the checkbox Use the Calculated Amount in the pop-up window. After that, this charge will be automatically recalculated each time the Books list is changed and this chsrge will also be marked as calculated automatically in all the future drafts of this Enrollment Agreement.

The changes to the student’s course and book lists are applied only after populating the Enrollment Agreement.

Available since 4.60.0 (view release notes).