Creating a New (Empty) Personal Collection

You can create a personal collection (see article What is the Collection?) by selecting Your personal collection in the menu to the left:

You will see the empty collection page. Click the Create a new… button and select Collection as the type:

Enter the collection name (required) and a description (optional):

Click Create and your new collection will be created and displayed as a nested item in Your personal collection:

You can now add other elements to your new collection — dashboards, reports, etc.

Adding Content From Official Collections

You can also add elements to your collection from an official collection. Open an official collection, open the element you need, click Save in the upper right corner:

You will see a dialog where you need to choose Save as new question, enter the name of the element for your personal collection, select My personal collection category, and click the arrow:

The system will show the list of your personal collections and an option to create a new one:

Click Save and the system will save the element from the official collection to your personal collection.