Users can upload their own documents as e-sign templates beside the GEGI-generated documents like the Enrollment Agreement, the Financial Plan, LOA Form, etc. The user-uploaded documents should have the online signature tags configured to define the location and the signing order.

Tag formatting rules

The tags added to a document are colored in the background color so they are not visible when viewing a template. A signature tag is added within square brackets "[ ]". The contents between brackets are formatted as follows:

[ {c,d,i,t}:{a-z}:{o,r} ]

1. The first argument is the field type:

  • s — signature
  • c — check box
  • d — date field
  • i — initials field
  • t — text field

2. The second argument is the assigned signers’ order. The signing order is defined as letters "a" to "z" and is sorted alphabetically as follows:

  • a — the first document signer
  • b — the second document signer
  • c — the third document signer
  • z — the last document signer

3. The third argument sets the field as required or not:

  • o — optional
  • r — required

Notes: Tabs and underscores are ignored within the square brackets.

This example defines a required field to be signed by the first signer: 

[       t:a:r       ]

That is how it may look in the e-sign template:

That is how users and signers see it after sending the document for signing:


When selecting a signing template, GEGI can automatically fill in certain e-sign template fields. You can do this by changing tags into substitutes that will be automatically replaced by the values from the student’s profile before the form submission.

The following substitutes are available in GEGI:

  • %STUDENT_FULL_NAME% — the student’s full name (e.g., John Smith).
  • %STUDENT_FIRSTNAME% — the students first name (e.g., John).
  • %STUDENT_LASTNAME% — the students last name (e.g., Smith).
  • %STUDENT_DOB% — the students date of birth (e.g., 01/01/1900).
  • %STUDENT_ID% — the students ID (e.g., S12345).

Uploading additional e-sign templates to GEGI

After configuring the tags, you can upload the document to GEGI as an e-sign template and send it to the users directly from GEGI to get their electronic signature.

Upload a document by going to AdminStudent Folders & TemplatesE-sign Templates and clicking Add:

Fill in the required fields for your new template. The Type field may not contain the type you need, but you can add a new type at AdminStudent Folders:

The Signers field requires special attention. This field may contain the 3 signer types: Employee, External, and Student. You can define multiple signer types but no more than the corresponding tags. The Employee and the External types can have a custom field title defined in the Signer Field Name field. The signing order will correspond to the order you add signers to the Signers field. The first signer from the Signers field will sign the elements with the "a" letter at the second position in the template tag [_,a,_], the second signer will sign everything with "b" ([_,b,_] ), the third goes for "c", and so on.

The After field will define the position of your new template in the list of other templates.

If the document contains substitutes, you need to enable the corresponding checkbox:

Editing e-sign templates

You can edit an e-sign template at any time using the Admin Student Folders & TemplatesE-sign Templates page and the ActionsEdit in the corresponding template row:

Sending new templates for signing

The new template can be sent right after being added:

  • select a student
  • open the tab at Student FoldersActionsCreate E-sign PackageSelect GEGI Documents.
  • select your document in the E-sign Templates section: