Determining the Last Date of Attendance

Last Date of Attendance (LDA) — shows the last date when a student has attended classes and is automatically set using the last student’s class with P/PM/L.

The Last Date of Attendance field is located on the Student Name: Enrolled Details and the Student Name: Education Details page.

Value Calculation and Filtering

The Last Date of Attendance value is recalculated automatically when the student’s new attendance is logged. The last date is chosen from all student’s groups and courses.

You can filter students by Last Date of Attendance on the Leads & Students page:

Locking the Last Date of Attendance when Populating the Withdrawal Worksheet

After populating the Withdrawal Worksheet, the Last Date of Attendance value is locked on the following pages: Student Name: Enrolled Details, Student Name: Education Details.

An instructor will see the following notification when logging attendance in a group for a student who has the populated Withdrawal Worksheet Form:


If the attendance is logged after populating the Withdrawal Worksheet Form, users with the Receive emails about attendance being logged for students with populated Withdrawal Worksheet form permission will receive a notification about those changes.

The Last Date of Attendance will be highlighted in red on the Student Name: Enrolled Details and the Student Name: Education Details pages when the last attendance date from the populated Withdrawal Worksheet Form does not match the actual last date of the student’s attendance. Hovering over the highlighted field will bring up a tooltip with explanation: