Federal Work-Study Wages

Wages — is the ability to process the data about student’s awards from Federal Work-Study and send it to COD.

The wages are displayed on the Financial → Federal Work-Study tab of the student profile:

Adding Wages Records

Click the New button to add a new wage:

Fill in the required fields:

  • Core Group — the group where the student qualifies for the Federal Work-Study award.
  • Award Year — the year when the Federal Work-Study award is planned.
  • Calendar Year — the calendar year when the Federal Work-Study award falls in.

Click the add button to add a new record to the table. All new records are added with the Not Ready status: 

Next, fill in the information about the award in the Award Information section and click Save:

  • CPS Transaction # — the corresponding ISIR transaction number.
  • Total FWS Earnings — the total award amount already received by the student.

Note: The amounts of the Federal Work-Study awards planned to be paid to a student are defined in the Financial Aid Plan, while this tab shows the amount already paid to the student.
COD receives the awards that are already paid to the student including both the the federal capital contribution (FCC) and the institutional capital contribution (ICC). The FCC and the ICC amounts result in the student’s Total FWS Earnings for the selected award year and the calendar year.

Save the record, it will get the Ready status, and will be available for sending to COD:

Sending Wages to COD

Send a record to COD by clicking Send to COD below the Award Information table.

You will see a confirmation dialog before sending:

Click Yes to send to COD.

Wages Processing Results in COD

Any errors occurring during COD processing the records are listed in the Response table under the Award Information table:

Click the error code to open the error details and the instructions on how to solve that issue:

You can also bulk-send records to COD using the Wages report.

Wages Report

All the sent Federal Work-Study wages are shown in detail in the Financial → Wages report:

The report is available for exporting to CSV using Actions → Export to CSV.

The report allows the bulk sending of records to COD. Only for the records with the Ready status. Select the records you want using checkboxes in the corresponding record row and click Actions → Send to COD:

Please note, that after clicking this action, the records are sent to COD immediately without confirmation dialogs.