Creating Origination Records

GEGI can create originations automatically within:

  • the defined number of days before\after the student start (for new groups),
  • the defined number of days before\after the academic year start (for students who continue).

This requires setting the corresponding values in the settings: 

  • Period Before Group Start Date for Automatic Originations Creation, days
  • Period After Group Start Date for Automatic Originations Creation, days

Note: For example, if the Period Before Group Start Date for Automatic Originations Creation, days value is 14 days and the Period After Group Start Date for Automatic Originations Creation, days is 7 days, the originations will start to be created 2 weeks before the group start (academic year) and will stop 1 week after the group start (academic year).

All students that were ENROLLED, ENROLLED Late Start, ACTIVE, or transferred within this period will have the originations created for the Pell and Direct Loan components in the Estimated Payments section of the Financial Aid plan for the corresponding award year. 

Note: If a student already has a manually created origination record for the corresponding award year, the automatic record will not be created.
If a student was transferred from another group and the student’s loan period is still valid, some originations made in the previous group may be valid as well. In this case, the student will not be additionally originated in the new group for this period. All the originations for the future periods will be created as per schedule.

The final status of automatically created origination records is defined by the Final Status of Automatically Created O&D Records school setting and can take the following values:

  • Not Ready the system will not try to switch the status of the created origination records to Ready after creation.
  • Ready   the system will validate the data of the created origination records and will switch the status to Ready if the validation is successful.

All automatic records will have the Record Source = G (Generated by GEGI) status and can be filtered by the corresponding source on the Originations page.

Creating Disbursement Records 

GEGI automatically creates disbursement after the corresponding origination gets the Ready status.

The final status of automatically created disbursement records is defined by the Final Status of Automatically Created O&D Records school setting and can take the following values:

  • Not Ready the system will not try to switch the status of the created disbursement records to Ready after creation.
  • Ready   the system will validate the data of the created disbursement records and will switch the status to Ready if the validation is successful.

Sending Origination and Disbursement Records в COD

By default, the records in the Ready status are sent to COD automatically 14 days before the group start:

  • The number of days can be defined by the Number of Days Before Group Start to Send Originations to COD  school setting and will be applied to all groups. 
  • Records are sent daily at 00:00 PTZ.

If the date has not come yet (e.g., the FA plan is populated in advance), the records are created and switched to Ready, but not sent to COD.

Disbursement Update After SAP Rules Are Met

GEGO can automatically update disbursements after all SAP rules are met from the same payment period

Once the SAP rules from the payment period are met:

  1. Disbursement Date is updated: the date shifts forward for the number of calendar days defined by the Number of Days to Disburse After SAP Met setting.
  2. Disbursement Release Indicator is set to "Enabled".
  3. The disbursement gets the Ready status and is re-sent to COD.
Note: All SAP Rules are evaluated once a day.