Transfer Between Core Groups within One Cohort 

The transfer for students in the ACTIVE status is limited to a single cohort. It is used if a student is transferred from a day group to an evening group or vice versa.

  1. Click on the Transfer button on the Student “Name”: Data in Group page:

  2. Select the New Group and Admission Advisor if a new group is located on another campus to which the student does not have access:

Note: Pay attention to information message above the Transfer panel. It describes steps for correct transfer.


To be able to perform the transfer, users must have the Transfer from group to group permissions checked in their permission panel. If they suspect no permissions are checked, it is necessary to request those from the administrator/supervisor.

The transfer between the groups within one cohort of one program can be performed an unlimited number of times.

Note: The student cannot be removed from the transfer source or destination group. You will have to cancel transfer first.


Transfer Between Core Groups for DROPPED/LOA

This type of transfer is used if a student had been Dropped but decided to continue to study within 6 months. Dropped/LOA students can be transferred to different cohorts.

If a student is Dropped then there should be less than “N” days between the dropped date in the old group and the start date in the new group. “N” is the value from Number of Days Allowed Re-enrolling to the Same Program in School Settings.

Note: If more than 6 months (180 days) pass, the transfer is not performed and the student is enrolled to another group as a new student. At the same time the previously passed courses can be set as credit granted.

1. Click on the Transfer button on the Student “Name”: Data in Group page:

2. Select the New Group and Admission Advisor if a new group is located on another campus to which the student does not have access:

To be able to perform the transfer users must have the following permission checked in their permission panel. If they suspect no permissions checked, it is necessary to request those from the administrator/supervisor:

  • Transfer from group to group
  • Transfer DROPPED/LOA students with Student Start Date less than after DROPPED/LOA date - if a student is transferred to DROPPED or LOA stage in the group and the student start date in the new group is less than DROPPED/LOA date in the previous group.

To Perform the Transfer the Following Must Be True

  • Both groups (old and new groups) belong to the same program. The programs may be different but should be in the same group. For example, you can transfer from UT to AOSUT within the “Ultrasound Technology (UT)” group.
  • The transfer to a group on another campus is possible. If a campus is not assigned to a student, you should select AA in the new campus.


  • The stage in the old group will be changed to TRANSFERRED or to DROPPED Transferred/LOA Transferred if the previous stage was DROPPED/LOA.
  • The stage in the new group will be changed to ENROLLING or to REGISTERING if a student does not have a populated Registration Form.
  • The Enrollment Agreement and Financial Aid Plan will be deactivated in the old group and will be copied to the new one.
  • The course list will be copied to the new group, but grades and attendance will not be copied.

Note: More information about student stages of pipeline you can find in the following article: What are the stages of pipeline? How many types of stages of pipeline are there?

The new Enrollment Agreement gives the ability to change substitute courses even though all courses are copied from the previous group during a transfer. The main course is changed to a substitute course in the Assigned Courses section of the new Enrollment Agreement form.

If clock hours differ between the courses, you will see an error when populating the Enrollment Agreement:

Cancel Transfer Between Соre Groups

To cancel a transfer (e.g., a student was transferred to the wrong group) use the Cancel Transfer button on the Student "Name": Data in Group page:

The transfer will be canceled and all consequences of the transfer will be removed.

Note: User must have the following permissions checked: Cancel all transfers (Transfer, Dropped Transfer, LOA Transfer) permission.

Transfer Between Prereq Groups

The transfer feature does not exist in prereq groups.

Students may be moved to the other prereq group using the Replace Group button on the Student “Name”: Data in Group page:

If the new group is located on another campus to which the student doesn’t have access, you also need to select Admission Advisor in the Replace Group pop-up panel:

To be able to perform the transfer, users must have the Replace Prereq Groups permission checked in their permission panel. If they suspect no permissions are checked, it is necessary to request those from the administrator/supervisor.


The old group will be replaced entirely with the new one: 

  • The student will be removed from the old group and added to the new one.
  • Courses, attendance, grading, Enrollment Agreement, and other information will be copied from the old group to the new one.
Note: Even if admission advisor does not have access to the current student's campus, it is possible to transfer or replace group into the group from own campus.