
  • Financial Reports FA Tracking Report page

Users with the following permissions:

  • Financial   FA Tracking Form: View FA Tracking Report
  • Financial   FA Tracking Form: Edit "Verification Clear Date" in FA Tracking Forms



Verifying the FA tracking forms for many students takes a lot of time. It is redundant to open each student’s FA Tracking Form and enter the Verification Clear Date.



How can the user verify an FA tracking form for a large number of students quickly?



The bulk FA tracking form verification feature was added.

To perform bulk tracking form verification do the following:

  1. Open Financial Reports  FA Tracking Report page.
  2. Choose the students you need from the list at the FA Tracking Report panel.
  3. Click on the Update Verification Clear Dates item at the Actions drop-down menu below the FA Tracking Report panel:

  4. A pop-up panel titled Bulk Tracking Form Verification: Step 1 of 2 will appear. Enter the Verification Clear Date and click the Next button:

  5. At the next pop-up panel titled Bulk Tracking Form Verification: Step 2 of 2, you may change the Verification Clear Date for each student individually, if it is needed, and click the Save button to complete the bulk verification:

Available since GEGI v4.6.0 (view release notes)