
  • Program "Name" page
  • Group "Name": Education Group Details page
  • Student "Name": Education - Details page

Users with the following permissions: 

  • Programs: View
  • Education: View Groups
  • Education - PDF: Print Student Unofficial Transcript
  • Education - PDF: Print Student Official Transcript
  • Education - PDF: Print Student SAP



Substitute courses are calculated in appropriate reports incorrectly (reports: the total hours for the program, the group courses list, for the SAP and Transcript reports). 

Note: Substitute courses are courses that can be taken instead of another course.The courses may be completely different in subject matter, however the qualitative credit is the same. 


How to improve the calculation and reporting of the hours from substitute courses? 



The hours calculation was improved on the following pages: 

  • The Group "Name": Education Group Details and the Program "Name" Courses pages.
    If there are any substitute courses, the total hours only comprises the hours from the main course:

  • The Transcript: Step 2 of 2 - Select Courses and the SAP Met Report: Step 2 of 3 - Select Courses for Transcript pages show all substitute courses regardless of their assignment to a student:

Transcript and SAP PDF documents show only the substitute courses assigned to a student. If no substitutes are assigned, documents show the main course.
  • The Student "Name": Financial - Enrollment Agreement page.
If student is Credit Granted, then hours only from the main (or the first one if the main course is not assigned to this group) of the substitute courses will be calculated in the Credit Granted Hours:

  • The Withdrawal Worksheet page.
    Only assigned substitute courses will be added to the Withdrawal Worksheet when it's created:

Available since GEGI v4.7.0 (view release notes).