
  • Student "Name": Financial - Payment Plan - Budget Calculations page
  • Group "Name": Group Details → PP Templates
  • Admin → Financial Aid → Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules
  • Admin → Programs → Program
  • Admin → Charges & Payments → Payments 

Users with the following permissions: 

  • Financial → View 
  • Group Details (Payment Plan & Enrollment Agreement): Edit PP Templates
  • Financial → FA Tracking Form: Manage Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules
  • Programs: Edit
  • Admin → Financial: Manage Payments



The Pell Grants in students' payment plans are taken from the Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules document.
In GEGI this information is entered manually for each student. 



How to automatize the process of the Pell Grants distribution in students' payment plans to avoid extra time spent on manual entry?


The Edit Payment Plan Template and the Edit Payment Plan pages now feature the automatic Pell values input from the corresponding Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules document:

The Pell values are taken from the Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules for the corresponding Award Year.

That is why at first the schedules should be set up at the Admin  Financial Aid  Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules page before using the automatic values input:

The Pell values also depend on the program type (full-time, half-time, etc.). The program type is selected in the Enrollment Status field at the Program "Name"  Edit page:

The payments at the Admin  Charges & Payments Payments page should be correctly set for this feature to function properly. The corresponding payments should have the Use as Federal Pell Grant and the Use as Expected Family Contribution checkboxes enabled:

There is an ability to override Pell values:
  1. Click the edit icon in the top right corner of the Pell cell.
  2. The Edit Pell Amount panel will pop up. Uncheck the Use from Pell Schedules ($ XXXX.XX) checkbox and enter the value in the Amount field:

  3. Click the Save button.

Available since GEGI v4.7.0 (view release notes)