
  • My Profile page
  • Group "Name": Education Group Details page
  • Course in Clinical Group page


Some elements in the student’s interface are improved to be more convenient and show more useful information.

At the My Profile page instead of the distracting Change Password and the Change Email panels, there is now the Actions panel with the equivalent functions:

Clicking an action link brings up a corresponding pop-up panel:

Added the Update Profile link to the Actions panel.
Clicking this link will open the User Support: New Request pop-up panel where students can file a request to make changes to their profile:

The columns, related to student’s attendance and grades in the Courses panel at the Group "Name”: Education Group Details page as well as in the Clinical Rotations panel at the Course in Clinical Group page, are changed in the following way:

  • Is Final Grade? - shows whether the course is completed or not.
  • Grade - the final grade for the course. Clicking this link will take you to the Grading: Grades in Course page with the complete student’s grading for the course.
  • Completed Clock Hours - the number of hours the student attended in the course. Clicking this link will take you to the View Attendance or the Attendance log page with all the student’s attendance information for the course.
  • Completed Credit Hours - the number of credit hours the student has for the course. Only shown if the student has completed the course:

Available since GEGI v4.8.0 (view release notes).