
  • Sent/Received Text Messages Journal page
  • Student "Name": Text Messages page

Users with the following permissions

  • Text Messages: View Sent/Received Texts Journal
  • Text Messages: View Student Text Messages



When the text messages are filtered by user, only the messages sent by the selected user are displayed and no replies are shown.


How to view the full conversation between the academy and a student?



The search parameters at the Search panel at the Sent/Received Text Messages Journal page were changed:

The search parameters now function as follows:

  • Employee - a select with the From, To and Any options. After selecting this option the next select will be shown to choose an employee.
  • Student - a select with From, To and Any options. After selecting this option an input field will be shown to enter a student’s name.
  • Phone - a select with From, To and Any options. After selecting this option an input field will be shown for entering a phone number or its part for the search.
    Note: the From/To/Any options in the select field function as follows:
    • From - shows the text messages that were sent by the selected employee/student.
    • To - shows the text messages that were received by the selected employee/student.
    • Any - shows the text messages that were either sent or received by the selected employee/student.
  • Group by Students - with this checkbox checked the messages will be grouped by students and displayed as a chat.
  • Show Messages - a select with the following options: Employees & Students (only students and employees messages), GEGI (only system messages) and All (all the messages).
  • The rest of the search parameters function as before.

The Text Messages panel was changed as follows:

  • The Campaign column was removed. If the text message was sent from a campaign, its title will be shown in the Text Message field:

  • The Created by and From Phone columns are changed to the From column as well as To Student and To Phone columns were changed to To column.
  • The IN/OUT column was removed.
  • If the Group by Students checkbox is checked the messages will be grouped by students and displayed as a chat:

The Created, Employee, Text Message and Show Messages search parameters were added to the Search & Order panel at the Student "Name": Text Messages page:

The Text Messages panel is shown as a chat:

Available since GEGI v4.8.0 (view release notes).