The Structure of the Documents Stored in GEGI

GEGI allows to store all student documents and sign them with e-sign, audit their content, etc.

The documents structure must be configured to use these functions effectively.

All student documents are divided into student folders that are related to one or multiple modules (Marketing, Enrollment, Financial, Education, Placement). The modules will define the user permissions to access the documents.

Next, document types are added to each student folder. Document types correspond to the documents that will be uploaded for a student (e.g. Enrollment Agreement). One document type can be added only to one folder and will have a set of properties required to work with the documents later.

When adding a student document user should select a type that the document belongs to. The documents will be automatically distributed among the folders by the selected type.

Note: More information about student folders in the student profile is available in the following article: Student Folders tab in the Student Profile.

Student Folders and document types configuration are described below in detail.

Configuring Student Folders and Document Types

To configure student folders and document types go to the Student Folders page by clicking Student Folders & TemplatesStudent Folders in the Admin menu tab:

This page has the Types panel with all existing document types and student folders.

Note: The document types in this panel are divided into subpanels by the corresponding student folders. Student folders names are used as titles for these subpanels:

The Types panel has the following columns:

  • Title — the document type name
  • Settings — current type configuration (audit rules, programs, etc.)

Use the corresponding Edit and Delete items from the Actions drop-down menu to edit or delete student folders or document types:

To add a new document type or a student folder use the Add Student Folder and Add Document Type buttons below the Types panel:

The following fields need to be filled when creating a student folder:

  • Student Folder Name — the name of the student folder
  • Module — module(s) that the student folder is related to:

The following fields need to be filled when creating a document type:

  • Title — the document type name.
  • Student Folder — the student folder that the document type will be added to.
  • Roles for Upload Notifications — users with the selected roles will receive notifications when a document of that type is uploaded for the student.
  • Show as Important Documents — documents of that type will be displayed at the Important Documents panel at the Student "Name": Lead Details and other student pages.
  • Group is Required — adding a document of that type requires selecting a student group that the student is assigned to.
  • Default for GEGI Documents — this document type is used by default when uploading a document related to the selected GEGI document.
  • Contains GEGI Document — GEGI Document (EA, FA Plan, WW, etc.) that is stored with the documents of this type
  • Audit Rules - a comment where users can define what to check in the document during the audit (more information about the documents audit you can read in this article: Documents Audit).
  • Used for Financial Aid Tracking Form Verification — defines the type of document to be uploaded as Verification.
  • Inactive — 
  • These Documents are Required for Students — the documents of that type are required to be uploaded for the student.
  • Document Should Be Uploaded — if a document is required for upload a user should select the rules of upload. E.g. the document should be uploaded for each student group.
  • Document Should Be Uploaded for Programs — if a document is required for upload a user should select the required programs.
  • Use Description as File Name — enable to create the filename from the description of the document. Otherwise, the title of the document is used as a file name. 
  • Include Document in Download Current — enable to include documents of this type into the current document download. Otherwise, these documents will not be downloaded using the Download Current function. 
  • Include Only Latest Documents — if enabled, only the latest documents will be included in the archive with the current documents. If disabled, all documents will be included.
  • Students Can View These Documents — the student is allowed to view the document of that type.
  • Contains SSN — if enabled, the document will include the SSN. Viewing and downloading such documents the View SSN/ITIN permission is required. If disabled, the SSN will be hidden in the document.  
  • Contains Sensitive Financial Information — the document contains sensitive financial information. Viewing  documents of this type requires the Download Documents with Sensitive Financial Information permission:

Add the document to Download Current for downloading:

You can use the following options:

  • Include the Documents in the "Download Current" List — add the document to the download list.
  • Include Only Latest Documents — add only the latest documents:

The documents can be downloaded in the Student Folders:

You can download all the documents in Student Folders  Actions  Download Current:

The archive that contains all the documents will be downloaded afterward.

You can find more information about the ability to download the correct documents in the following article: Student Folders: Added the Ability to Download the Correct Documents.