
  • Student Folders: Folders Audit page

Users with the following permissions

  • Documents (other): Audit Folders (in all modules)


Users need to be sure the student folders contain all the documents they need.


How to quickly and easily check that a student has all required documents uploaded in GEGI?



Added the Folders Audit report to track the required student documents.

Open the report by clicking the Folders Audit menu item in the Student Folders menu tab:

The Search & Order panel in this report allows selecting which documents require to be checked for which students. E.g., you can check the presence of the Enrollment Agreement for the students in a selected group:

The Folders Audit panel will show the list of the found students and the columns with the selected documents. The data in the columns can be interpreted as follows:

  • The check mark and the green highlight - the document is uploaded according to the requirements
  • The cross and the red highlight - the document should be uploaded according to the requirements but it is not uploaded
  • The dot - the document is not required for upload (the document is not required for the program, the document added to the exceptions - not required for the student)

Note: The report results can be downloaded by clicking the Export to CSV button below or above the Folders Audit panel:

If a document is for some reason not required for the student, it can be added to exceptions at the Student "Name": Student Folders page.

More information about other report features can be found in the following article - Folders Audit: Tracking the Required Student Documents.

Note: The document requirements configuration can be accessed using the Admin menu tab → Student Folders menu item. More information about configuring documents can be found in the following article - How to configure Student Folders and Document Types?

Available since GEGI v4.10.0 (view release notes)