
  • Student "Name": Student Folders page

Users with the following permissions

  • "Module" Documents and E-Sign Packages: Move to Trash
  • "Module" Documents and E-Sign Packages: Restore from Trash
  • "Module" Documents and E-Sign Packages: Delete from Group


When deleting a student document, a user can mistakingly delete a wrong document, and it will get permanently deleted.


How to remove documents from student folders and be sure no needed documents are permanently deleted by mistake?



Permanent document deletion is replaced by moving documents to trash at the Student "Name": Student Folders page.

Click the Move to Trash item in the Actions drop-down menu beside the document on the Student Folders panel to remove the documents:

Doing this will not permanently delete the document but will move them from student folders to trash.

To see the trash contents click the View Trash item in the Actions drop-down menu below the Student Folders panel:

The Student "Name": Student Folders - Trash page in the Documents panel will show all the student documents that were moved to trash.

The Actions drop-down menu here is used to return the documents to student folders (the Restore from Trash item) or permanently delete them (the Remove from Trash item):

More information about this can be found in the Deleting Documents article. 

Available since GEGI v4.10.0 (view release notes).