What Is the SAIG Mailbox?

The Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) is the tool that allows Federal Student Aid trading partners to securely exchange batch data with Federal Student Aid Application Systems.

Organizations are eligible to enroll to exchange and/or access data for the following systems:          

  • CPS (ISIR batch data, FAA Access to CPS Online services) 
  • COD (Exchange Direct Loan or Grant Services (which includes Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant), Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, and the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant data), COD Online services), FISAP (electronic Campus-Based programs, which includes Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Perkins Loan access)
  • NSLDS (Enrollment Reporting, Transfer Student Monitoring and/or Financial Aid History, Federal Perkins Loan, Gainful Employment Reporting, GA Account Maintenance Fee, GA Annual Reasonability, Exit Counseling Reports, electronic Cohort Default Rate (eCDR), Notification Package, electronic Gainful Employment Notification Package (eGE) and NSLDS Online services)
  • FMS (Lender Reporting System (LARS)/Guaranty Agency Financial Reports (GAFR))
  • CSB (Direct Loan Delinquency Reports and Borrower Services)     
  • FAFSA on the Web Data Transfer site
  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) System (Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Loan Holder Notification)
  • Enterprise Complaint System (ECS)

Note: Starting from award year 2024-2025 schools receive ISIRs through Federal Tax Information — Student Aid Internet Gateway (FTI-SAIG). GEGI support file transfer from FTI-SAIG.

Automatic Password Change

The SAIG and the FTI-SAIG mailbox rules require changing the password every 90 days.

GEGI allows enabling the automatic password change. You can configure it on the Financial AidSettingsSAIG Mailbox page:

The SAIG/FTI-SAIG Mailbox Password Change Frequency, days setting defines the password change frequency.

Contact GEGI Support to get the new password.

Changing Expired Password & Notification

If the automatic password change is disabled or has not been performed due to some other reason, the password can be changed manually on the Financial AidSettingsSAIG Mailbox page.

Note: Please ensure that you have remembered or saved the password in a safe place. The password will not be visible in the GEGI interface.

If the password expires and is not changed, sending and receiving files will be automatically disabled for SAIG Mailbox and you will see the following notification:

An email notification to change the password is sent to the users with the Manage SAIG/FTI-SAIG Mailbox Settings permission. The frequency of those notifications can be defined by the The Frequency of Sending a Reminder to Change the SAIG/FTI-SAIG Mailbox Password, hours setting.

After the password has been changed, the file exchange is automatically enabled for SAIG Mailbox.

What Files Can Be Downloaded in GEGI?

GEGI allows downloading the following files:

  • ISIR (such as IDSA, IDAP, etc.);
  • COD (such as CRAA, CRWS, etc.);
  • SAS Disbursement Detail on Demand;
  • other files.

The full list of files is available on the Financial AidFiles from SAIG Mailbox page in the Message Class filter.

Download Modes

The automatic file download from the SAIG mailbox can be enabled or disabled in GEGI.

There is also an ability to choose between two download modes in GEGI: AVAILABLE and RECEIVED.

  • In the AVAILABLE mode, only the files with the AVAILABLE status are downloaded from the SAIG mailbox. So GEGI downloads the files immediately after they become available.
    This mode is used when there is no third-party software (e.g., EDConnect) to download files from the SAIG mailbox.
  • In the RECEIVED mode, only the files with the RECEIVED status are downloaded from the SAIG mailbox. The file is downloaded when its status is changed to RECEIVED. The files with the AVAILABLE status are not downloaded from the SAIG Mailbox in this mode.
    This mode should be used when the files with the AVAILABLE status are downloaded using third-party software (e.g., EDConnect).

How to Work With the Report?

Open the Financial Aid Files from SAIG Mailbox page to view all files that have been automatically loaded into GEGI from the SAIG mailbox and files that have been uploaded manually by users:

The Status column shows the file upload status:

  • Processed  the file was downloaded and processed.
  • Processing  the file is not processed yet but will be processed soon.
  • Downloaded  the file was downloaded without processing.
  • Failed Processing  the file was downloaded but it cannot be processed due to technical reasons.

You can upload the files manually using ActionsImport Files (e.g., if the automatic files download is disabled).

After that, at the Import Files pop-up panel upload the necessary files in the supported formats and click the Import button:


The report allows downloading any uploaded files as well.

This can be done by clicking Actions  Download near the corresponding file name or tick the corresponding checkboxes and click Actions  Download Files below the panel to bulk download:

Note: If only one file is selected, it will be downloaded as a single file. If multiple files are selected, they are downloaded as a ZIP archive.

After the file is uploaded and processed, users can use the Actions drop-down menu to work with the files. For example, you can view the ISIRs uploaded from the imported files in the student profile. 

Note: The same action will be available for the other file types: