Scheduled Charges report - is the report that shows all charges from EA and FA Plan of a student including the planned charges. Use the menu to open the report: Financial → Charges Reports →  Scheduled Charges. Expected Date - the date when each charge is planned to be created:


When the Expected Date comes or when certain other conditions apply, a transaction is created for the charge and is now included into AR Card and other Accounting Reports. At this moment the actual Transaction Date is set for the charge. That is:

  • Expected Date - the date when we expect the transaction to get performed. The date is taken from FA Payment Period (or from EA).
  • Transaction Date - the date when the transaction had actually been performed (included into AR Card). If it still not in AR Card, the value will be set to "N/A".

As a rule, when the Expected Date comes, the charge should now have the actual Transaction Date. If there is no actual date, you should pay attention to this fact.

The tooltip for the Transaction Date field will show when the transaction was created. Or show the reason why it was not created:

The Transaction Date will be highlighted in red and you will see warning messages if there are any problems with the transaction: 

  • The Expected Date has come, but the transaction has not been created and cannot be created. This happens when a student has not met SAP.
  • The transaction is not created but current data indicates that it can be created. This may happen if:
    • The student has the active status switched too late.
    • SAP was met after the Pending Period.
  • The transaction is created on the date that differs from the Expected Date. For example, if SAP is met after the Start Date from FA Plan. 
  • The transaction is created but current data indicates that the student should not have it. If SAP rule was met, the transaction was created, and the rule became Not Met/In Progress after that. 
  • The transaction date differs from the expected transaction date (calculated for the current SAP state of the student).
    • The student's SAP has changed so that the new transaction date is in the future and has not yet come.
    • The transaction was created manually with the date set to "Today" but this date differs from the date in EA/FA Plan. 
    • The date has changed due to SAP change.
  • However, sometimes the program settings are changed so that it will not lead to SAP recalculation but will change SAP dependencies. This will cause some charges to have the expected transaction date that is different from the actual transaction date. Such charges are not treated like problematic and users will not see warnings: 

You can track the transaction creation problems using the Show Charges=Attention Required filter in the Scheduled Charges report. This filter will show any problematic charges (not created on time, with the date different from the expected). More detailed information will be displayed in the tooltips:

Note: This report does not include the charges with the amount of $ 0.00.

More information about transactions can be found in the following article: Transactions. 

More information about other reports can be found in the following article: Financial Reports.