GEGI has several financial reports that allow monitoring the balance of a student and seeing all transactions. More information about transactions can be found in the following article: Transactions. All reports are based on the same data but present the information differently. All reports can be found here: Financial  Financial Reports.

AR Card 

The AR Card tab in the student profile shows the current balance of the student in the Balance field and contains all transactions in the AR Card panel:

The Transaction Date field in the AR Card of a student has a tooltip that shows the information about when the transaction was created and which rules were applied.

You can use the Transaction Date filter together with the Transaction Title filter in the Search & Order panel:

Note: The Beginning Balance row shows the sum of all rows before the From date of the Transaction Date filter.

AR Table

The AR Table report contains information from AR Cards of students and has the Search & Order panel. This report is used to monitor and check the financial data by different criteria:

The report can be customized to show more columns by enabling the columns in a preset:

The report can be exported as a CSV/PDF:

The presets and the CSV/PDF export is available in all financial reports.

AR Aging Summary

The AR Aging Summary report displays student debts or overpayments by periods. The Total column displays the student's total balance. The other columns show how long the charges remain unpaid.

Using the Distribute Transactions by filter, you can select the transaction date that is used to define the period: Due Date or Transaction Date.

Note: The due date for FA charges is the end date of the corresponding payment period. The due date of all other transaction types is the same as the transaction date.

The number and the duration of periods are defined using the Number of Periods and the Days Per Aging Period filters.

The Payments column shows the sum of the student’s payments for the period selected in the Period of Payment filter.

The transaction sum in the Total column which is within one of the periods is taken from the transaction open balance. That open balance is the part of the transaction sum that is not applied to other transactions:

Customer Balance Detail

The Customer Balance Detail report shows the balance of students after each transaction at a certain moment. The sum of all student’s transactions with a date before the selected Period is calculated in Beginning Balance.

Customer Balance Summary

The Customer Balance Summary report shows only the total balance of a student without details before the date selected in the Report Date: