The communication with the COD (Common Origination and Disbursement) system includes the school being able to send data to COD via GEGI, receive and process COD responses in regards to accepting the aid awards, the funds to draw down, and the estimated disbursement dates.
The above process includes Origination and Disbursement, where:

  • Origination is the process of a school reporting to COD that it is initiating a Direct Loan for a student or intends to make a Pell Grant payment to a student. COD adjusts the Current Funding Level in G5 using the information it receives.
  • A disbursement is the payment of a Direct Loan, a Pell Grant, or a TEACH Grant that proceeds to the borrower or recipient.

Add a Direct Loan Origination Record

Direct Loans can be originated and disbursed on the FinancialOriginate & DisburseDirect Loan tab in the student’s profile:

This page shows all Direct Loan origination records added. Add a new record by clicking the New button:

A new Direct Loan origination record requires the following information:

  • Loan Type —  Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS, Grad PLUS.
  • Core group — the group where the student is studying at the time of receiving a Direct Loan.
  • Award year — the year of receiving a Direct Loan.

After adding, the record is set to the Not Ready status. The origination record in this status cannot be sent the to COD System. The information can be sent to the COD System only after all required fields are filled.

Each student can have an unlimited number of Direct Loan origination records.

Entering Information for a Direct Loan Origination Record

Each Direct Loan origination record requires a set of fields to be filled.

The fields highlighted in red are required. Other fields are optional and can be left blank.

Borrower Loan Information Section:

Some fields are automatically filled with data from GEGI:

  • DL Code — the six-unit code assigned to the school by the U.S. Department of Education, defined in the school settings and is used when creating a new origination record.
  • Enroll OPE ID — the value from the campus setting for the student for whom the origination record is created.
  • Loan Period Start Date — date from FA Plan.
  • Loan Period End Date — date from FA Plan. Filled in automatically only if the "Number of Weeks in Academic Year" is set.
  • Academic Year Start Date — date from FA Plan.
  • Academic Year End Date:
    • Date from FA Plan, if the duration of the period between "Academic Year End Date" and "Academic Year Start Date" is greater than or equal to the "Number of Weeks in Academic Year" of the program. Otherwise, it is calculated as "Academic Year Start Date" + "Number of Weeks in Academic Year" + "Breaks days" if the breaks are defined in the group + the number of days of the corresponding school breaks.
    • If the calculated date ("Academic Year Start Date" + "Number of Weeks in Academic Year") falls on a weekday, the value is rounded up to Friday. If it falls on a weekend, it is rounded down to Friday.
  • Dependency Status — from the last ISIR file uploaded to GEGI for the student for the current award year.
  • Borrower’s Loan Default/Grant Overpayment — set to "N" (No) by default.
  • Loan Amount Approved — the amount of Direct Loan payment for the academic year. This is the sum of the loan values (if they exist) for a certain Award Year in the FA Plan from the "Estimated Payment by Payment Period" block.
  • CPS Transaction # — transaction # from the last ISIR file uploaded to GEGI for the student for the current award year. If it is not the last CPS transaction, the field will be highlighted in yellow and you will see a message with the corresponding information.
  • Direct Loan Attendance Cost — set to the Cost of Attendance value for the corresponding academic year in the Financial Aid plan.
  • College Grade Level — is taken from the College Grade Levels list of a program or from the last ISIR file uploaded to GEGI for the student for the current award year if there is no value for that program in the list.
    credit granted courses are taken into account when the College Grade Level for the particular student's academic year is defined.
  • Student Loan Default/Grant Overpayment - set to "N" (No) by default. The field is available for PLUS Loans only.
  • Student Email — the main student’s email.
  • Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility for Dependent Student — the checkbox becomes active if a parent of the dependent student is rejected to get a PLUS Loan (available only for unsubsidized loans).

The rest of the fields require manual input:

  • Additional Unsubsidized Preprofessional or Teacher Certification — is available only if the student’s College Grade Level is 5 (available only for unsubsidized loans).
  • Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility for Health Profession Programs — is available only if the student’s College Grade Level is 6 or 7 (available only for unsubsidized loans).

Parent Information Section (for PLUS Loan only):

All fields are filled manually (only the fields highlighted in red are required):

  • Last Name — the parent’s last name.
  • First Name — the parent’s first name.
  • Middle Name — the parent’s middle name.
  • Permanent Street Address — the parent’s permanent address street.
  • Permanent City — parent’s permanent address city.
  • Permanent State —parent’s permanent address state.
  • Permanent ZIP — the parent’s permanent address street ZIP code.
  • Country Code — the parent’s country code.
  • Borrower’s Current SSN — the parent’s SSN.
  • Date of Birth — the parent’s date of birth.
  • Permanent Home Phone — parent’s permanent home phone number.
  • Borrower Citizenship Status — the parent’s citizenship status.
  • Alien Registration Number — the parent’s alien registration number (if available).
  • Driver License State — the state where the driver’s license is issued.
  • Driver License Number — the driver’s license number.
  • Email — the parent’s email for receiving the EFT Notice. Cannot be equal to the primary or alternative emails of the student.

Borrower Information Section (for Grad PLUS Loan only):

Some fields are automatically filled with data from GEGI:

  • Last Name — the student’s last name.
  • First Name — the students first name.
  • Middle Name — the students middle name.
  • Permanent Street Address — the students permanent address street.
  • Permanent City — the students permanent address city.
  • Permanent State — the students permanent address state.
  • Permanent ZIP — the students permanent address street ZIP code.
  • Country Code — the students country code.
  • Borrower’s Current SSN — the students SSN.
  • Date of Birth — the students date of birth.
  • Permanent Home Phone — the students permanent home phone number.
  • Borrower Citizenship Status — the students citizenship status.
  • Alien Registration Number — the students alien registration number (if available).
  • Driver License State — the state where the driver¦s license is issued.
  • Driver License Number — the driver’s license number.
  • Email — the students email.

COD Program Reporting Data Section:

Some fields are automatically filled with data from GEGI:

  • Group — name of the group selected when creating the originations record.
  • Program — short program name where the group was created.
  • Enrollment Status — the student’s enrollment status студента that is set for the program.
  • Program CIP Code Year — the CIP Code year from the program settings.

The rest of the fields require manual input:

  • Program Attendance Begin Date — the date the student started attending the program.
  • Enrollment Status Effective Date — the date when the current enrollment status reported for a student was first effective. This date only changes when the student’s enrollment status changes, for example, when the student drops from full-time enrollment to half-time enrollment.

Loan Information Section:

Some fields are automatically filled with data from GEGI:

  • Loan ID — acts as a unique record’s ID within the award year and is formed from the following student’s data: SSN, Loan Type, Academic Year, DL Code.
  • Type — the type of the Direct Loan (Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS, or Grad PLUS).
  • Origination Date — the date of sending the origination to COD. Empty when creating the record and filled after the record is sent to COD.
  • Origination Status — the record’s status: Not Ready, Ready, Batched, Sent, Accepted, Rejected, Corrected, Duplicated, Imported.
  • Origination Reject Codes — the errors in case COD rejects the record.
  • Origination Document ID — the document ID (batch).  Empty when the record is created. Filled automatically when the record is included in the file (after sending to COD and changing the status to "Batched").
  • Last Change Document ID — the document ID (batch).  Empty when the record is created. Filled automatically when the field values change, the origination is re-sent to COD, and changing the status to "Batched".
  • Transmission Number — the last transaction’s ordinary number assigned when a field or fields of the origination are exported to COD.
  • Fee Percentage — filled automatically from the Origination Fee table of the FA Plan.
  • Rebate Percentage — set to 0 automatically for all types of Direct Loans with the disbursement date later than 7/1/2012. The Rebate Interest Rate should be 0 according to the official FAS documentation. The field is read-only.
  • Disclosure Statement Print Indicator — defines the place where the disclosure statement is printed. Filled automatically from the school settings, but the value can be edited manually and take the following values:
    • Y (COD Prints and sends to borrower)
    • R (COD reprint)
    • S (School prints).
  • Disclosure Printed  — enabled by default and blocked from editing if the Disclosure Statement Print Indicator is set to R or Y. If it is set to S, meaning the statement was printed in the school, should be enabled manually. Just for informational purposes.
  • Booked Status — the payment booking status (read-only).
  • Booked Date — the booking date (read-only).
  • Record Source  — defines the record source. For the user-created records, it is set to "M" (Manually Originated). Can be "E" (External Import) for the imported files. If created by the system by the predefined rules, set to "G" (Generated by GEGI). Filled when the record is created and never changes.

The rest of the fields require manual input:

  • Inactive Loan  — the checkbox to set the Direct Loan as deactivated. Enabling this checkbox will open a Yes\No dialog when the record is saved:
    • Yes will set Loan Amount Approved and all anticipated disbursements to $0.
    • No will discard any changes but the checkbox will remain checked and the Inactive Loan Date will be available for editing. Inactive records are checked and will not be sent to COD.
  • Inactive Loan Date — is the date when the record was set to inactive. Filled automatically and blocked if Inactive Loan is set and the user selected Yes at the inactivity confirmation dialog. 

MPN Information Section:

Some fields are automatically filled with data from GEGI:

  • MPN Expiration Date— the MPN expiration date calculated by COD.
  • MPN Acknowledgement Date — the date when COD accepted MPN.

The rest of the fields require manual input:

  • MPN Status — Master Promissory Note status of the student. A Master Promissory Note is a legal document in which a student promises to repay the loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of the loan(s). Can be empty or take one of the following values:
    • T (School assumes MPN Exists), 
    • R (Valid MPN not on file at COD), 
    • P (Pending), 
    • A (MPN Accepted), 
    • E (Inactive due to the linking of a PLUS Endorser), 
    • I (Inactive), 
    • C (Closed).
  • Student Eligibility Code — from the last ISIR file uploaded to GEGI for the student.
  • Driver’s License/ID No. and Driver’s License State — from the last ISIR file uploaded to GEGI for the student.

Note: You should leave the Award Year fields empty in the FA plan if there are no loans. This is required for the correct FA plan data substitution when creating origination records.

After you enter all information on the Borrower Loan Information and Loan Information panels and click Save, you will be prompted to change the origination status to Ready. The records in the Ready status can be sent to COD, edited, and have disbursements created for them.

GEGI allows the automatic creation of a second loan with the same data. After a subsidized loan is originated, and if an unsubsidized loan is not created for this award year, the system will prompt you to create the loan automatically. The same works vice versa: when creating an unsubsidized loan, it will prompt you to create a subsidized loan:

After you click "yes", the loan will be created automatically with the same data (except the amount):

Automatic Direct Loan Origination Record Creation

More information about automatic origination record creation can be found in the Origination and Disbursement Automatization article.

Add Disbursements

Disbursements are added automatically based on the data from the Estimated Payments section of the student’s FA plan:

You can edit the information or add new disbursements by clicking the Edit or Add button.

After the disbursements are saved, they are switched to the Ready status and can be sent to COD. 

Sending Loan Originations and Disbursements to COD

Originations and disbursements in the Ready status can be sent to COD. Please note, that you can send an origination record only with disbursements in the Ready status. That is why if at least one disbursement is Not Ready, the information cannot be sent. Disbursements with the Not Ready, Accepted, Corrected, Rejected, and Duplicated status cannot be sent to COD. You can also edit the records with the Sent status.

Originations and disbursements can be sent to COD in multiple ways:

  • Automatically (by default);
  • Manually from the view interface of a single origination record;
  • Manually in bulk from the view interface of originations (Financial Aid → Originations) or disbursements (Financial Aid → Disbursements).

Automatic Sending of Origination Records to COD

By default, the records in the "Ready" status are sent to COD automatically starting 14 days before the group start (the number of days can be changed but will be applied to all groups). Records are sent daily at 00:00 PTZ.

Sending Originations and Disbursements to COD Manually From the View Interface of an Origination

Send an origination by clicking the Send to COD on the Direct Loan Records panel:

The originations and the disbursements records cannot be sent to COD if they have been edited using the COD website interface.  The Sequence column will show that the changes have been made using COD. Sequence number — is the ordinal number in the records processing order. GEGI records have numbers from 1 to 65 while the records processed by COD have numbers from 66 and higher:

If a record has a number of 66 and higher, further changes should be performed using the COD interface.

Sending Originations and Disbursements to COD Manually From the View Interface of Originations and Disbursements 

Originations can be sent in bulk from the view interface of originations (Financial Aid  Originations).

Select the origination you want to be sent to COD using checkboxes to the left of each record and click Actions Send to COD:

Disbursements can be sent in bulk from the view interface of originations (Financial Aid  Disbursements ).

Select the disbursement record you want to be sent to COD using checkboxes to the left of each record and click Actions Send to COD:

Receiving and Viewing COD Responses

GEGI can automatically receive COD responses and store them in the Usage Limit Applies Info panel for Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans and in the Credit Information and Application Information panel for PLUS and Grad PLUS Loans:

The Disbursements panel has the Response Code field that displays the status received with a response.

Status variants are the following:

  • Accepted — the record has been accepted by the COD System.
  • Rejected — the record has been rejected by the COD System.
  • Corrected  COD has accepted the record but the COD System has corrected at least one field.
  • Duplicate  the record was previously accepted at the COD System and sent again to the COD System without any changes to the record.

Correcting Direct Loan Originations and Disbursements

The Origination and Disbursements records can be edited even after they were sent to COD (records have the Sent status), this means the records can be edited in any status except Batched. All changes are logged to the Change History panel. 

Note: Change History shows changes for all fields except CPS Transaction Number.

The rows on the Change History panel are grouped by Transmission Number so that only the initial and final values are visible within each COD transmission. The rows on that panel cannot be deleted:

After a COD response, originations and disbursements cannot be corrected. The Accepted/Corrected status is the final status for Direct Loans and will not change to Ready. However, an Accepted/Corrected record can be sent to COD if origination is linked to at least one disbursement in the Ready status (e.g., after setting the Disbursement Release Indicator flag). 

Viewing All Direct Loan Originations and Disbursements

All origination records are shown in the report available at Financial AidOriginations:

You can find the needed records by filtering them using the Search & Order panel. All fields of origination records are available in Presets, so you can create your own sorting set. 

For your convenience, we preconfigured Award/Loan Type presets for Subsidized/Unsubsidized, PLUS, Grad PLUS, and Pell. If you need to view only one of them, use the needed preset in the Presets panel:

Also, you can hover over the column title to view a tooltip with more information about the data:

The records can be exported to a CSV file.

The same report is available for disbursements: Financial AidDisbursements: