The General Ledger Report

The General Ledger report can be accessed at the following menu: FinancialFinancial ReportsGeneral Ledger:

The report shows all accounts, their beginning balance, debit, credit, and the balance for the period defined by the filter.

The report can be exported as a CSV/PDF:

Clicking the title of an account opens the Account Details page:

The page displays all account transactions for the selected period. Every account has its own filter set.

The following filters are available for all accounts:

  • Period
  • Corresponding Account
  • Student IDs
  • Amount

The Amount filter processing details:

Filtering by "> 0" will show debit, and by "< 0" — credit.

For example: "Amount = 100" will show add debit transactions of $100.00. "Amount = -100" will show all credit transactions of -$100.00.

If filtering includes both credit and debit, e.g., "Amount < 100", it will show all debit transactions less than 100 and all credit transactions.


GEGI has a fixed set of account types and accounts that are shown in the general ledger.

It is located on the General Ledger Settings page (FinancialSettingsGeneral Ledger):

The accounts can be of two types: permanent and temporary.

Permanent accounts accumulate the balance beginning from the first transaction in the system.

All permanent accounts have the Beginning Balance row that shows transactions data from the first transaction in the system to the period selected in the filter:

Temporary accounts balance is calculated from zero at the beginning of every year and the previous years' balances within the Period in the filter are displayed as the Closing Entry rows:

Note: The main General Ledger page has the Closing Entry row as well. The row shows the sum of all closed entries of temporary accounts.

Bank Accounts

  • This account is temporary.
  • Type: Bank.
  • Debit shows deposits.
  • Credit shows refunds and returned checks created with the bank account defined.

The list of the bank accounts is configured on the following page: FinancialSettingsBank Accounts. Each account has the Show in General Ledger setting that defines whether the account is displayed in the general ledger or not.

Note: You can find more information about configuring bank accounts in the following article: Bank Accounts.

Accounts Receivable

  • This account is permanent.
  • Type: Accounts Receivable.
  • This account corresponds to the AR Table report. All positive records from the AR Table are shown in debit, negative — in credit.

Undeposited Funds

  • This account is permanent.
  • Type: Current Asset.
  • Debit shows student payments, credit shows deposits and refunds not linked to a bank account.

Note: There is a separate account of the same type for Direct Loans (Subsidized Loan, Unsubsidized Loan, PLUS). Separate accounts can be created for other awards (e.g., Pell, FSEOG) as well. You can do this by enabling the Create a Separate Account in General Ledger setting in the payments settings at AdminCharges & Payments.

Deferred Revenue

  • This account is permanent.
  • Type: Current Liability.
  • This account corresponds to the Deferred Revenue report. Debit shows accrued revenue, credit shows student charges.

Note: Opening balances can be imported separately for each student’s group for the deferred revenue account on the following page: FinancialImportImport Student Deferred Revenue Opening Balances.

Note: Charges that are paid before the study (e.g., Registration Fee) are not shown in the Deferred Revenue account.


  • This account is temporary.
  • Type: Current Liability.
  • Credit shows the students' STRF charges.

Note: STRF charges are defined using the STRF Charge setting for charge types (AdminCharges & Payments).

Accrued Revenue

  • This account is temporary.
  • Account Type: Income.
  • This account corresponds to the Accrued Revenue report. Credit shows accrued revenue.

Income Other

  • This account is temporary.
  • Account Type: Other Income.
  • Debit shows sales receipt refunds, credit shows sales receipts and returned Check fees.

The Income Other account can show the sums grouped by month and campus if you set the Show by filter to Campuses:

Bad Debt

  • This account is temporary.
  • Account Type: Expense.
  • Debit shows bad debts, credit shows bad debt recoveries.

В Bad Debt account has the Show by filter as well and it can group the data by campuses:

and by individual groups:

Opening Settings

Debit, credit, and balance starting amounts can be entered on the General Ledger Settings page. It is necessary when transferring from another accounting system and you cannot import all transactions to GEGI. You will need to define the date when the temporary account transactions will start to be included in General Ledger.

This information is entered in the first row of the general ledger: