GEGI features the ability to get data for calculating the revenue percentage. This report is located in the FinancialFinancial Reports90/10 Revenue Percentage menu:

The report includes all students with payments or refunds in the selected Period.

The column set complies with the official documentation of the U. S. Department of Education report.

Before using the report, each payment type (AdminCharges & PaymentsPayments) needs to be configured:

  • The 90/10 Column field defines the column where this type of payment will be shown.
Note: The Title IV Funds Returned for a Student Under 34 C.F.R. § 668.22 column shows the award refunds with the Refunded Under 34 C.F.R § 668.22 option set to Yes

  • Use as Check Refunds for 90/10 Report: If selected, refunds of this payment type can be applied to any payment during 90/10 balance calculations. These refunds will be applied last.
  • Can be Applied as Refund to Other Types of Payments: If selected, refunds of this payment type can be applied to selected types of payments during 90/10 balance calculations.
  • Show as Separate Line in the 90/10 Report Summary: If selected, payments of this type will be displayed as separate lines in the 90/10 Revenue Percentage summary.

The last row of the report shows the total revenue percentage for all students:

Under the Actions button, the report can be exported to CSV, or a Summary view of the report can be exported to Excel: