
  • Student "Name": Data in Group page

Users with the following permissions:

  • Leads & Students: Approve ENROLLED Stage Manually


When the Enrollment Agreement is populated, the stage in the group of a student automatically changes from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED. The student should sign the Enrollment Agreement afterward so the school could charge the student for tuition.


Sometimes students start tuition without signing the Enrollment Agreement and the school can not charge these students later.  Students must be prevented from having ENROLLED and ACTIVE stages in the group if their Enrollment Agreement is not signed.


1. Added the Approve ENROLLED Student Stage of Pipeline in Group After setting for automatic stage switching from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED to the Academy Settings page with the following values:

  • Enrollment Agreement is Populated — the stage in the group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED after the Enrollment Agreement for the student is populated.
  • Enrollment Agreement is Signed Using E-Sign the stage in the group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED after the e-sign package with the Enrollment Agreement is signed by the student and school representatives. 
  • Signed Enrollment Agreement is Uploaded to the Student Folder  the stage in the group will be automatically changed from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLED after the Enrollment Agreement is signed by the student and school representatives, and uploaded to the Student Folder.
Note: The Approve ENROLLED Student Stage of Pipeline in Group After setting allows choosing multiple values so the stage in the student group will change to ENROLLED depending on which of the selected events occur first.  

2. Added the ability to manually change the student’s stage in the group from ENROLLING/ENROLLED to ENROLLEDIt is available only for the users with the Approve ENROLLED Stage Manually permission.

The Approve ENROLLED button will appear on the Student "Name": Data in Group page under the Stages of Pipeline in Group panel if the student’s stage in the group is ENROLLING/ENROLLED:

After the Approve ENROLLED button is pressed, a confirmation pop-up message will appear:

If the manual stage of pipeline change is approved, the user will have to enter a comment describing the reason for the change:

After entering the comment and pressing the Approve ENROLLED button, the student’s stage in the group will be changed to ENROLLED and the reason for the manual stage of pipeline change will be displayed:

Available since 4.60.0 (view release notes).