Revenue Budget

GEGI can predict the school budget for upcoming months or years using the Revenue Budget report (Financial menu → Financial ReportsRevenue Budget):

Each group’s report shows:

  1. Budget — the expected revenue from students in the group that is comprised of the following:
    1. Tuition Revenue — calculated from cost per hour, the number of hours each month, and the expected number of students each month.
    2. Books Revenue — calculated from books price, the number of books the students take every month, and the expected number of students each month.
    3. Other Fees — calculated from the previously configured charge and the expected number of students each month.
  2. Cost of Goods Sold — expected expenses that are comprised of the following:
    1. Books Cost of Goods Sold — the actual books cost.
    2. Charge Cost of Goods Sold — the cost of the charges for the school.
  3. Revenue BudgetRevenue minus Cost of Goods Sold.

The results are grouped by month.

The Show Revenue Budget by filter allows choosing how the report data is grouped — by campus, by program, or by groups.

The Show Only with Calculation Errors filter is used to select groups that do not have enough data to calculate the revenue budget.

If there is not enough data for the calculation, the corresponding cell will show “N/A” with an explanation in the tooltip:

The values in the Total columns and the Total row are calculated even if some calls have N/A. In this case, the Total value is highlighted in red and the cell has a tooltip with an explanation:

The Revenue Budget feature is disabled by default and can be enabled on the following page: Academy Settings  Accounting Module  Enable Revenue Budget: 

Group Settings

To calculate the revenue budget in each group, you need to configure a number of settings. Open the budget configuration page by clicking the Budget Configuration button on any Group Details page:

The Group Settings panel has the following settings:

  • Starting Students — the expected number of students for each charge from the Enrollment Agreement template.
  • Books Cost Accrued— defines in which month the book costs get into the Revenue Budget report.

This panel also shows the Average Book Price and the Average Book Cost, which are calculated automatically based on the book list of the group.

The Months Settings need the following values to be filled:

  • Clock Hours (Credit Hours/Days) — clock hours, credit hours, days distributed by months.
  • Retention Rate, % — the expected percent of students who will continue to study in the group.
  • Credit Granting, % — the expected percent of credit-granted students.
  • Books per Month — the number of books the students take each month.

The Total column automatically calculates the sum of Clock Hours (Credit Hours/Days) and Books per Month. The cells in this column are highlighted in red if their value is not matching the actual group settings. Hovering over the cells will show a tooltip with error details:

Add charges for the students in the group on the Charges panel:

When adding a charge, you should provide the following:

  • Title — select a charge from the charges added to the Enrollment Agreement template of the group.
  • Amount Accrued — when this charge is taken into account in the Revenue Budget report.
  • Amount, $ — the charge amount.
  • Cost Accrued — when the charge cost gets to the Revenue Budget report.
  • Average Cost, $ — the cost of the charge for the school.

Use the Update Charges from Group button to update the list of the current charges from the Enrollment Agreement template.

If any of the required fields are missing, they will be highlighted in red. Hover over the “i” icon to see additional information about a field:

Copy Group Configuration

The budget configuration of any group can be copied to other groups. Click Copy to Other Groups on the Budget Configuration page of a group:

Select the destination groups at the Copy Budget Configuration: Step 1 of 2 — Select Groups page. You can use filters to find groups:

Click Next. On the Copy Budget Configuration: Step 2 of 2 — Review and Copy page select the groups again to confirm copying:

If copying is impossible, you will see a note in the Copy Restrictions columns.