Collections — are the way to organize reports, dashboards, queries, etc. Similar to folders or directories. You can nest collections in other collections, and move collections around. A single item like a question or a dashboard can only be in one collection at a time (excluding parent collections).

More about collections in the official Metabase documentation.

Official Collections

Official collections contain reports created and maintained by GEGI team. Such reports are located in the GEGI Reports collection and its nested collections:

These official collections have a yellow badge.

Users have read-only access to such collections and cannot edit them. At the same time, users can create a copy of an official collection and edit the copy as a personal collection.

Your Personal Collections

Every user can save new reports (as well as dashboards, queries, etc.) only in personal collections, and personal collections are visible only to the user who created them.

More information can be found in the following article: Your Personal Collections.